A “atypical” negotiation.
This is how the PNV defines, until now the privileged partner of the Government, the market of assignments and votes that has entailed the processing of the General Budgets of the State for 2022. A process in which Basque nationalists have been relegated to a secondary position
For the benefit of Eh Bildu, its main adversary training in the Basque Country, whose demands, more than a political nature than Pecuniary, have been accepted by the Government next to those submitted by ERC.

The Basque nationalist spokesman at the Congress of Deputies, Aitor Esteban, rejects having been cornered, but the truth is that at this point of the process his six seats are no longer essential to Pedro Sánchez to carry out the budgets that guarantee continuity
In the Moncloa until the end of the legislature.

They are accessory votes.
Which means a script of the series that has been accompanying the governments of any sign of the last lustrians in Spain.
As it rarely happens, the PNV has been displaced and is decolored.

On this occasion, Bildu has skillfully played the trick provided by his parliamentary alliance with ERC and can exhibit with the secessionists Catalans political achievements that feed national aspirations.
Because in these budgets, rather than seeking economic improvements, political concessions have been persecuted that proportionate the Catalan and Basque national construction.

Initiatives have been torn off the Government as a mandatory minimum share for Catalan or Basque in platforms such as Netflix or the exhibition of child content in Basque language for Navarre children with the dissemination of the ETB Child Channel in the Community.

The two separatist formations go hand in hand and add 18 votes, which is a precious balance for the government, which was enough to gather four favorable seats more than the minority parties to achieve the 576 Sés bar that absolute majority
and ensure the approval of the accounts.

The PNV has not yet confirmed its definitive support for budgets, but few doubt that this support will be maintained until the end in the successive votes that will be produced until this Thursday and, later, in the Senate.
At the moment, the Basques have been next to the government majority in all partial voting that have occurred and maintain continuous contact with the Minister of Presidency, Felix Bolaños, to try to place the demands that do not yet have seen
Good of the Moncloa.

As anecdote, Bolaños has telephoned Esteban on Wednesday at full press conference, interrupting his appearance, when only a few minutes before the PNV spokesman was lamenting that the government had bet on a different negotiation, going “little by little” in
Place to find a package with all the topics.

Among the pretensions you have alive is the underground of the AVE tracks in Bilbao.
It is the star point.
Meanwhile, Basque nationalists have only achieved the approval of 44 amendments, in their vast majority of an investment and for an amount of approximately 55 million euros.
A humble figure if compared to the one obtained by much smaller formations as New Canarias that, with a single seat in Congress, has managed to start the Executive Amendments that compromise up to 100 million euros for the archipelago.

In the most political terrain, the jewel that the PNV can exhibit is the transfer to the Basque Country of the management of the minimum vital income, a concession that has also been made to ERC for Catalonia.
The Catalan Independentists have been the great winners of these negotiations.
Well, while they have not managed to scratch a lot of money in investments, they have achieved political concessions in the field of language and have consolidated Bildu-His brother party- as a new preferential partner.

Esteban ensures, however, not feeling displaced by Bildu and warns that his negotiation has not been closed.
But the truth is that he becomes admitted, for example, having been vetoed by Bildu when sponsoring an amendment by which a heading of 25 million for the victims of asbestos is released.
The two presented the same -vencing agreed by the Basque Parliament – but they are not in the firm.
“They nor did they tell us, someone vetoed us and can already imagine who was”.
New Times.