In the midst of the political confrontation presides over the political map, in Galicia, eight autonomous presidents of three political training have met on Tuesday to combine a consensus on their priorities in autonomic financing.
Five PSOE communities, two from PP and PRC, the G-8 of Spain depopulated, have signed a joint statement to press farm and that face the new money distribution model between the regions is prioritize the effective cost of
The provision of public services.
They ask that the “demographic emergency” prevail so that the communities can “provide similar services regardless of the capacity of each one to generate tax revenues.”

Galicia, Castilla y León (PP);
Cantabria (PRC);
and Asturias, Aragon, La Rioja, Castilla-La Mancha and Extremadura (PSOE) have gathered for about three hours in Santiago to endorse the technical work of its Treasury counselors and seal an alliance that pursues to defend the interests of Spain emptied front
To the most populated communities positions that, such as Andalusia or Valencia, want what to become the adjusted population criterion and against the demands that the government is doing before the nationalists in the negotiation of the budgets.

“We represent Spain to add, not to annoy,” said Emiliano Garcia-Page, president of Castilla-La Mancha.
“The meetings that suppose dialogue to improve things ends well, those who suppose breaking ends”, he added.
Not to mention it expressly, a clear allusion to dialogue with nationalists.

Most presidents have alluded to Article 2 of the Constitution proclaimed the unity of Spain as an argument to demand equal and just financing, which the citizen of a remote mountainous town can receive quality care as the citizen who lives in
A city or a region of nationalist ideology.
“We have to decide once than Spain is the same and enjoyed the same by a Galician, an Andalusian, an Aragonese … equal rights must be real and effective,” the Aragonese Javier Lamban has reflected.

“We do not want or ask for privileges but equality in the quality of the provision of public services. Have the same quality in all territories,” has been the vision of Adrián Barón, president of Asturias.

“The allocation of resources between the communities must have as its inexcusable objective that we can all provide similar services regardless of the capacity of each one to generate tax revenues,” says the document agreed by this G-8.

The vision they move is that the “demographic challenge is the main mortgage in Spain and should be an institutional priority,” in the words of Galician Alberto Núñez Feijóo.
The position of it is that, for example, although they have less school population, they spend more on public transport than regions such as Madrid due to the dispersion of population centers and the need to articulate routes to take minors to school.
Or that they have an aged and dispersed population, which translates into a high expenditure in health and dependence to pay attention that at these ages is more demanded and frequent.

The autonomous Presidents of PP, PSOE and PRC have wanted to record in writing that the resulting model “must respect the equality of all Spaniards protected by the Constitution, as well as rejecting economic and social privileges.”
They want “territorial cohesion”.
A warning that occurs at a time when the Government negotiates with the nationalists to be able to approve budgets and with an open dialogue table with the Generalitat of Catalonia.
Its position is firm: financing requires a multilateral agreement and that is carried out in the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council.
A forum that brings together all the autonomies and that, for example, Catalonia always comes, which always demands bilateral treatment.

In the pact signed by the eight autonomous presidents, the Government is asked to develop the national strategy against the demographic challenge “with the creation of a specific state-of-the-art fund to alleviate the disadvantages of areas with demographic challenges.”
The requirement of these eight regions is that the new autonomic financing model takes into account demographic criteria more.
For this, they yield the data: There are eight autonomies represent 62% of the surface of Spain but only 24.1% of the population.

For all these reasons, ask for the “promptly” means “the design of a new model, rather than the current one is expired since 2014. These regions have wanted to emphasize that the agreement to renew the model must be done in the framework
of the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council.
“We urge the Government to define as soon as possible a work methodology that allows all administrations to provide their particular particularities and needs, establishing a calendar for it,” reads the document.

In addition to strengthening the need that a negotiation pillar is the principle of sufficiency, they want the government to develop a service catalog “whose financing is assured through the resources that the system attributes to the communities.”

Of course, not everything was consensus in Santiago.
The president of Cantabria, Miguel Ángel Revilla, wanted the affair of the wolf, specifically the abolition of hunting, as regulated by the government.
A decision against which they are, in addition to Cantabria, Galicia, Asturias and Castilla y León.

Finally, an adenge was not included and agreed to defend the coexistence of the wolf and humans under the plans already drawn by the regions and demand dialogue to the government in this matter.
Extremadura and the Rioja did not signed the adequate for anger.