“Any agreement on budgetary matters is an agreement to celebrate.”
The Government of Pedro Sánchez has expressed his satisfaction for having achieved on Tuesday the necessary supports to order the next general budgets of the State after obtaining the Vote of EH Bildu, ERC and, predictably, of the PNV.

This has been expressed from the Moncloa minutes after ERC made public the favorable sense of their vote and gave stability to the next state accounts.
Some budgets consolidate the final line of the legislature and will serve as a framework to receive European aid after the pandemic and “modernize” the country after the “catharsis” of the pandemic.

“They are viable budgets. The second ones that take this Government in time and form,” held the Minister of Territorial and Spokesman Policy of the Executive, Isabel Rodríguez, during the press conference after the Council of Ministers.

Despite the good news of the covenant, Rodríguez has not devoted words to the partners with whom he has been negotiated until the last minute.
“We do not value with who they have agreed, but the important thing is why we agreed,” explained in relation to the autonomous budget unblocking in Catalonia, a reflection that has said extrapolate to the well-known agreements on Tuesday and that they have to do ”
With the viability in budgetary processing “at the national level that allow overcome the barrier of the 176 votes in Congress, which gives green light to accounts.

Since the Government’s minority member has also been applauded: “The agreement reached with ERC, EH Bildu and the rest of progressive political forces ensures the majority necessary to approve the general budgets of the State of 2022. Spain will have budgets at the service of
The social majority and that will boost a fair reconstruction, “said the leader of we can, Ione Belarra.
On Monday, since Eh Bildu highlighted the role of purple in the negotiations held in the last days.

The PSOE and United Negotiations can with several of its parliamentary partners took rhythm in the last hours, until at noon of this Tuesday, and already with the interventions of each minister in Congress to explain his starting heading, the numbers have come out.

Support figures – partners close to the government, such as ERC, Eh Bildu, more country, commitments or PDEcat- that allow speaking, has expressed the second vice president, Yolanda Díaz, of the consolidation of a “most solvent majority”
To “continue working from here at the end of the legislature”.

This Monday, Eh Bildu announced its support for the government after achieving the commitment, among other points, that Basque public television reaches all corners of Navarra.
For its part, ERC has announced its affirmative vote on Tuesday after unlocking its great claim, the Audiovisual Law, as detailed by the spokesman of the Republican Group, Gabriel Rufián.
A regulation that, as Isabel Rodríguez has clarified, will reach the Council of Ministers in the “coming weeks” and that will include quotas in co-official languages.

This has not been this the only issue approached after the Council of Ministers.
At questions from journalists, and parallel to the confrontations that occurred between protesters and forces of order in Cádiz, Rodríguez has shown its “sensitivity” and that of the Government with workers in the metal sector, which on Tuesday have starred on the eighth day of strike

In the same way, he has moved “the confidence always of the government” in the security forces and bodies, “in charge of ensuring the safety of all”.

With these words, the Government spokesman has prevented approaching the controversy around the use of a tanco to contain the riots in the streets of Cádiz, a matter that has not liked how we can.
At the last minute of this Monday, Yolanda Díaz asked for explanations to Pedro Sánchez about this decision, which has returned to distance the parties that make up the coalition.

However, Irene Montero, ruling of can and minister of equality, which was also present at the press conference, has seconded Rodríguez’s words and has not valued or understood about this issue.
Soon before, the Chairman of the Confederal Group united we can in Congress, Jaume Asens, asked the Executive if he plans to use tanks next Saturday in Madrid, during the demonstration that police unions have summoned against the reform of the Jorda Act that is designing
The government and its parliamentary partners.

The subject of tanks and blockade to the animal welfare law have revived the tensions within the government in recent hours.
Asked about the future of this regulation, Rodríguez has clarified that the press conference after the Council of Ministers was not the appropriate forum to address the issue.

Although Montero has pronounced itself in the same line as government spokesperson, it has expressed what the United States is, which on Monday denounced that the Ministry of Agriculture is holding the progress of the processing of this Law because of the pressure
of the cinegetic sector: “is part of the Government Agreement, we are going to work with love, discretion and willingness, I have no doubt that it is going to be processed.”