The Toronto School Board has withdrawn its support for a reading club in which the Nobel Peace Prize will participate, Nadia Murad, considering that its testimony could be “offensive” and “foster Islamophobia”.
In his book I will be the last: history of my captivity and my struggle against the Islamic State, Murad tells the hell he suffered in 2014, when he was only 21 years old and the self-infringement Islamic State (is) burst into his town in Iraq, murdered
Hundreds of people (among them, their brothers) and forced it to become a sex slave.
But in Canada, in full rise of the Woke movement (which denounces any possible discrimination against minorities), even the Memories of Murad are likely to be “offensive” towards Muslim students.
The reading club A Room of Your Own (one own room, in reference to the title of Virginia Woolf) is aimed at teenage girls, from 13 to 18, at risk of social exclusion, to which the materials and books are supplied Free. It does not depend directly on the Toronto School Board, although it is the entity that promotes it. The organizer of the club, the educator Tanya Lee, denounced the Canadian newspaper Globe and Mail, which two meetings with authors had been questioned by the School Board: that of the Nobel Nobel Murad Prize (planned) and that of the criminal lawyer Marie Henein, who presented her book Nothing But The Truth (nothing except for the truth). What was the problem with the lawyer Marie Henein? She had defended the popular Jian Ghomeshi presenter, accused of sexual assault and whose case caused a large controversy in Canada in 2014 by the rugged details related to Sadomasochist practices. “It would be difficult to explain it to young girls,” was the argument of the Intendant of the School Board, Helen Fisher. The chat with Henein occurred on November 18 without the approval of the Council and was a success.
The case of Nadia Murad, who received the Nobel de la Paz in 2018, is much more scandalous for the prevention of a “possible Islamophobia”.
Activist and defender of human rights, Murad was one of the few Yazidist survivors, the minority preylamic religion that the terrorists and terrorists wanted to eliminate from Iraq.
Until now, no author or book studied at this Toronto Reading Club had never motivated a rejection from the School Board, which after this controversy is reworked its guide on the policy of selecting “culturally relevant and adapted” reading material.
Only two months ago, it transcended the news that the Ontario Providence School Board (which brings together Catholic schools) had withdrawn more than 5,000 copies of books and comics that perpetuated the “racist stereotypes” against the natives.
Thus, Asterix, Tintin or Lucky Luke burned in a “purification bonfire”.
It happened in 2019 and the pandemic slowed the rest of the symbolic bonquers “to bury the roots of racism” that had foreseen in other schools.
The Affaire became a political storm that even splattered Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, since the driver of the initiative was Suzy Kies, co-chairs of the Commission of Indigenous Peoples of the Liberal Party.
Kies ended up reimburse her, but not like a blame for burning books but because she was questioned by her autochthonous roots: according to some Canadian media, they went back to seven centuries ago.
Both in Canada and the United States, the excesses of the Woke movement and the cancellation culture have awakened the alarm, in addition to several viral campaigns against artists who allegedly have not respected some tradition or minority, from Kanye West to Katy Perry.
Even former President Barack Obama alerted the danger of Wokism and social networks: “That is not activism,” he lamented in 2019.