The consecration by the Supreme Court of 25% of classes in Spanish in all Catalan schools is found with the great obstacle that the Generalitat does not want to abide by the ruling or it seems that the central government is going to press him to modify all his linguistic model
and buried the immersion that for years has been taxed systematically in the educational centers.
It will be the affected families that, once again, have to urge the execution of the judicial decision.
Ana Losada, President of the Assembly Association by a bilingual school (AEB), warns that, if the Conseller of Education, Josep Gonzàlez-Cambray, does not meet, will denounce him.

“The Generalitat must comply with what the Supreme Court has said, but, if it does not fulfill it, we will denounce it at the time when the deadlines come.
There is the precedent of Quim Torra, which was disabled by not wanting to remove the banner in defense of prisoners from the Palau, “says Losada.
Pepe Sunday, spokesman for a citizen impulse, explains that “the government is the one who has to urge the execution of the sentence, but it can also do it any affected parent.”
“We hope that the educational authorities do not incur in disobedience to the judicial authority,” he says.

What plans does the government have?
Until now, the government has not done anything.
He did not even ask for the execution of the TSJC ruling, despite being a part in this procedure, which emerged by a resource of the State Advocacy presented in 2015 on behalf of the Ministry.
The Government maintains that the State “can not interfere” in a subject that, in its opinion, is the competence of Catalonia and ensures that the courts that should enforce the judgments are.

What happens is that if the Government continues to be inhibiting, as it has done these years, it becomes the stigma on the families, which are indicated if they denounce, because nationalism interprets the petition of 25% -Atens a trunk subject more in Spanish
, as well as language – as “an attack on the entire Catalan school.”

The Generalitat, in fact, has just launched a plan that goes on the road contrary to what justice says, because it introduces more Catalan and monitors the use of Spanish in colleges, as is being done parallel in the university

Its strategy will now be trying to cling to the celaá law to say that the ruling of the TSJC has been overcome, because when the State Law appeal was interposed, the WERT law was valid, but deliberately forget that there is previous legal doctrine that
He has been saying the same thing for a decade.
In 2015, for example, the Supreme already considered 25% as “reasonable” and “proportionate”.

The difference is that the High Court now does not respond to the request of a specific family, but it is established that the change must be made in all schools.
Another important point is that justice makes it clear for the first time the “residual use” of Spanish in the Catalan classrooms with data provided by Generalitat itself, the TSJC says it is only 18% primary and 19% on ESO.