The Government already has the numbers to approve the budgets of 2022. PSOE and united we can closed an agreement with ERC-and with Bildu-, which ensures the Executive to overcome the absolute majority of Congress with at least 181 votes in favor.

Presumably will be some more, since the government is also close to reaching a pact with the PNV to add the support of its six deputies.
However, and after the agreement with Eh Bildu, the circumstance is given that Basque nationalists have ceased to be essential.
That gives less pressure capacity to impose the burning of the bird in Bilbao, which is the subject that was pending.

Pedro Sánchez has managed to move forward with ERC one of the most complicated negotiations to approve next year, vital budgets for the government for the expansive nature that enables the economic injection of the European Union.
With the vows tied, the coalition of socialists and purple is guaranteed the necessary political conditions to lengthen the legislature until the end and it will sustain itself, as the first two years, in the vote in favor of the Catalan Independents (ERC) and Basques (
Eh Bildu) and, in the absence of official confirmation, of the PNV.

Covenants with ERC and EH Bildu collect anticipate the retirement age of the Mossos d’Esquadra and the Police Forum of Navarra from 2022, equating both police bodies with one of the best working conditions of Ertzaintza.

This measure has been agreed in the midst of a strong discomfort within the State Bodies of the State with the reform of the Citizen Security Law, the one known as the Morda Act, which will take down this weekend to tens of thousands of agents of
All bodies.

The pact will allow the Mossos and the Forum Police to be able to retire at 60 years of age for agents who accredit more than 35 years of effective activity and quotation.
This is equal to the regime that applies exclusively to the National Police, the Civil Guard and the Ertzaintza in the Basque Country.

In addition, the Government has achieved agreements with other minority forces to approve the accounts of 2022. They have confirmed their vote for more country (two deputies), commitments (one), New Canarias (one), the Regionalist Party of Cantabria (one)
And, on Tuesday, the PDECAT (four).

All these agreements raise the figure of themselves announced at 181, waiting for the PNV (six) and other parties like Teruel exists (one).
In front there are only 154 votes against (PP, Vox, citizens, Navarra Suma, Forum Asturias and Canarian Coalition).
The BNG has indicated that its deputy will refrain.

The conversations with ERC have been dilated practically until the last minute, since today the first voting began in Congress.
“Tonight I have slept quite little,” said Gabriel Rufian.
Thus, after a long strip and loosening that it started in the month of September, all the chief of all: the audiovisual law, which was being the great requirement of ERC to give their votes.

Rufián has ensured that they have managed to impose a quota for the Catalan and the rest of the Audiovisual Platforms such as Netflix or HBO in the future law, as well as articulate a series of economic “incentives” to favor production in those languages.

The most thorough was the subject of the fees for the resistance of the PSOE to fix a quota, to understand that he raised “barriers”.
Rufián has explained that with its agreement the platforms will be obliged to offer a minimum of 6% of the content in Catalan, Basque or Galician in all its catalog.
And he has specified that it means that 30% of “European production”, 20% will have to be in such languages.
In short, from every 100 European production films, twenty will have to be offered in Catalan, Basque and Galician.