The Community of Madrid prepares an appeal before the Constitutional Court against the Government of Peter Sánchez for the “finger” distribution on the part of the European funds.

He has detailed by the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Employment, Javier Fernández-Lasquetty, in an interview with Europe Press, where he has influenced that, for example, the Ministry of Labor after making a distribution of all autonomies, another party was reserved
To apply directly.

As explained, from that part, “without criterion none has given him a series of millions” to four regions: Basque Country, Extremadura, Navarre and Valencian Community.
“We consider that it is going distributing the money to finger,” the counselor from Madrid has censored.

On the other hand, Lasquetty has crossed out of “disappointing” how the issue of European funds is being managed.
“They are a gigantic amount of money, 70,000 million euros, of which the State has decided to manage 50,000 million and that 20,000 million is what happens through the communities.”

“What happens? They give us absolutely crushed into tiny parts with an absolutely predefined, planned purpose, from the state that Madrid, and the other communities, does not allow us to do anything that is adapted to the reality of our community”,
It has pointed out.

In addition, it has criticized that they use the same criterion for a low population and dispersed autonomy than for Madrid, which has the opposite.
For Lasquetty, you are committing “typical central planning, to think that there is someone in the ministry that knows everything and is going to organize everything.”

“The result will end up being that they are going to blur and in the end they will be 1,000 small aids that are not going to have any transforming power of anything and that even the beneficiaries are going to change their lives,” he moved.