Despite his dramatic rupture, Arancha Sánchez Vicario and his ex-husband Josep Santlana do not stop reconcinting.
The next time they do it, it will be due to legal imperative, since the two are processed by a crime of uproar of goods.
Thus, the appointment will be set shortly in a criminal court of Barcelona for next year, in what will be a new episode of the ex-marriage disagreement.

His divergences are such, which also affect the way they are going to face this judicial process, in which the prosecution asks for four years in prison for each one of them for said crime. Senchez Vicaria assumes that he committed the decapitalization of
Its goods to avoid paying a debt with the Bank of Luxembourg, so it asks for a minimal prison sentence of seven months and its immediate suspension by not having a criminal record, Santacana denies the facts and, in addition, has been declared insolvent in the courthouse
of instruction that processed the procedure.

The Public Ministry considers that the couple, along with five other processed, was able to commit this crime when, for years, the Bank of Luxembourg attempted to collect them without success a debt greater than the 6.1 million euros, the 5.2 million borrowed for
Pay a Fraud to Finance more interest.
The Tax Agency perceived that amount through an endorsement of the Bank of Sabadell, which, in turn, charged through a countervation signed with the Bank of Luxembourg.
The Prosecutor’s Office, who claims 4 years of prison and 8,300 euros of fine for former tennis player and his ex-husband, considers that, in 2014, not to pay the debt, the couple decapitalized their heritage using third parties, for example, for
liquidate societies.
These are also processed.

After receiving the writings of all parties, the Bureau of Instruction 4 of Barcelona opened oral judgment against the processes and is expected to be held next year.
In addition, he urged processes to contribute, together, 6,170,942.35 euros bail, the amount they must return to the Bank of Luxembourg.
Judicial sources highlight that the former tennis player has contributed as a lot of a property, although some of the other defendants have declared insolvent.

The Judicial Strategy of Sánchez Vicario goes through maximum collaboration with justice.
In 2019 and 2020, during the instruction of the procedure, he paid almost a million euros to the bank by the amount owed and, afterwards, has consigned other quantities.
Thus, he wants to take advantage of the words of the prosecutor, who recalls that Santlana had administrative control since 2009 from the societies, created by the Father of the Woman of Him, who “lacked productive activity being only holders of numerous real estate”.

In this sense, it will make it clear to the judge that gave way of the management of fortune obtained during his professional career to his ex-husband, who accuses “enrich himself” at his coast and to take advantage of it by administering the heritage.
With the money returned, the confession to collaborate with the justice and the time it has taken the procedure to come to trial, which can be an attenuating of undue delay, Sánchez Vicario expects the penalty that the Criminal Court may be the
Minimum possible.

For his part, Santacana has seen how the decision of the Barcelona audience on his divorce a few months ago harmed his defense in this procedure.
The Court estimated an appeal for his ex-wife against the judgment of the Court of First Instance number 2 of Esplugues de Llobregat on the divorce of the couple and considered that the competence to settle the separation corresponds to the Miami courts in the United States, since
There the two reside.
The employer put a divorce claim in 2018 in the Catalan courts, since here he signed marriage capitulations with separation of goods before the wedding with the former tennis player, so he considers that he should not respond to the criminal procedure for the debt with the
Bank of Luxembourg.

The audience of Barcelona buried this strategy, so Santacana faces the criminal procedure with the intention of making it clear that it has nothing to do with the fortune of his ex-wife and that the numerous societies created for allegedly hide heritage was mounted the family of
The former tennis player before being together.
It rains about wet in the relationship between Sánchez Vicario and Santacana, who after a stormy divorce, will have to see the faces in another trial, although now not faced but together on the bench, although turning each other.

It considers the prosecution that, “in order to make disappearance the little existing heritage, the defendant, following the guidelines of her husband, proceeded to the liquidation of the mercantiles” he had in 2014 although “continued to carry out despatrimonialization operations.”
In this way, some 14 real estate were hidden, both homes such as apartments, premises or storage rooms in several Catalan localities and, as well, “frustrate the collection” of the Bank of Luxembourg.
Therefore, the former tennis player wants to use in the defense of her before the court that the Public Ministry recognizes that the person who directed the alleged concealment of her heritage was Santlana.