Two ways to make absolutely opposite opposition.
VOX, which has made it desist of presenting any amendment to the general budgets of the State.
And the PP and citizens, who have registered 2,070 and 483, respectively.

The match of Santiago Abascal has decided for the second consecutive year not to raise a single proposal to “improve” or try to reverse the “damage” of the government accounts.
It is a strategy that last year was unusual and that then unleashed the generalized criticisms of the rest of political formations, which accused Vox of Dejation of Functions and “Do not work”.

VOX insists again that its obligation was to present an amendment to the whole, as other six games did, but once the Government saved them in Thursday’s vote, the fact of presenting partial amendments supposes the “Acceptance” of
the bills.
Something to what they are denied: “Distance infinite with ETA budgets”.

Thus, they are justified that “this type of amendment obliges parliamentary groups to ‘move’ the site money within specific chapters, without the possibility of making substantial changes that reduce the chapter of expenditures or allocate superfluous expenses for truly important causes
It is, describes the game, like “playing tetris”.

However, PP and citizens have chosen to do the opposite and have presented hundreds of amendments to visualize as a measure, as the popular stand out, what is their “alternative” for Spain.

In the case of the Orange Party, which only has 9 deputies, which are 43 less than those who count VOX, justify their battery of more than 480 amendments in the goal of “trying all those disastrous consequences in these accounts or, failing that
, make it clear that if these accounts do not collect the liberal measures of citizens – among them, many of the forgotten reforms or directly buried by the executive is due to the manifest will of the Government of Spain and the parties that give support to reject them in a vote
In the Congress of the Deputies. ”

The Parliamentary spokeswoman of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, explains that the proposal is articulated in three axes designed to “strengthen institutions”, “boost growth” and draw a social policy based on “defense of the family, the promotion of birth
and the improvement of conciliation. ”
To this last objective, 40 amendments are dedicated for a value greater than 1,500 million euros.

The popular stand out, in their social initiatives, the 400 million departure for the gratuity of the teaching from 0 to 3 years, another of 10 million to expand the beneficiaries of fertility treatments and a third of 800 million to reduce the
Lists waiting in the field of dependence.

Likewise, it proposes to expand paternity and maternity permits, doubling it for single-parent families, as well as the bonus for the hiring of employees of the household and the strengthening of a paid permit for the care of sick minors.

In addition, the Popular Amendment package includes the requirement of a tax area for 10,000 million euros that should be subtracted from the “unproductive Sanchista”.
This item would break down at 4,000 million downgrade in the IRPF for the most vulnerable taxpayers;
1,400 million in suppression of heritage tax;
2,700 in the donation and succession tax;
a 50% reduction in societies;
The reduction of quotes for young people or long-term stops and 600 million in elimination of the tax on heritage transmissions in the purchase of habitual housing.

For its part, citizens have presented amendments that connect with their reform plan for Spain with a special emphasis on the “fiscal relief of the middle and working classes” and the autonomous versus the “hack” of the government.
Among other measures, they propose more deductions in the IRPF and VAT decrease in Light, hairdressing services and the tourism sector (hospitality, accommodation, and maritime and air passenger transport).

There are numerous proposals of a social nature, such as all those related to birth, education, health or young people.
For example, it highlights the extension of maternity and paternity permits 24 weeks after the child’s birth or adoption or guarantee the “right to teleworking” during the 12 months after birth or adoption.

In the amendments, some of the measures are highlighted in which Inés arranged has emphasized in recent months, such as mental health.
The party proposes adding 500 million to strengthen primary care, a prevention plan for suicide within a mental health strategy that would have to be reinforced with more psychologists and more psychiatry places.
Also, an increase in the heading for diseases such as the ELA.