Daniel Ortega received an unexpected attack yesterday when only nine days are missing so that the electoral farce scheduled for 7-N is consolidated.
The Sandinista caudillo hosted for a few hours in Managua to the Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández, who broke in this way the international isolation suffered by the counterpart of him.
The excuse: sign the integration agreement that will allow both Central American countries to delimit their Caribbean and Pacific seas borders.

And it is not that there was a lot of hurry: with the Gulf of Fonseca Integration Treaty ratify the failure of the Hague Court, which dates from 1992. “We believe that the Gulf of Fonseca should be a place of peace and prosperity. It is a
Message to the world, “held Hernández, whose country also celebrates presidential elections on November 28.

The competition that does not exist in Nicaragua after the detention and imprisonment of seven opponents (all of them would defeat Ortega at the polls, according to the surveys) is closed in Honduras, where the candidate of the official and right-winged national match part as a favorite.
A fight was expected to vote with Xiomara Castro, candidate from the leftist party freedom and refoundation, led by Mel Zelaya.

The president dismissed by a coup d’etat in 2009, when he intended to advance in the reform of the Constitution, is one of the most faithful allies of revolutions, he was even a Chavisma official after failing in his attempt to resume power.

Nasry Asphura, mayor of Tegucigalpa, is the conservative flanger, who tries to get rid of the heavy burden with which it reaches the elections.
“I am different from any politician,” he says, knowing that the scandals for drug trafficking within the Hernandez family condition him.
The president’s brother is condemned in the US to the perpetual chain by drug trafficking by a court of New York who did not hesitate to describe Honduras as a narco-state.

“We are talking about a transcendental step that has to do with border delimitation in the north of the country with Honduras,” Uphanó Ortega, who faces the last days of the phantasmagoric campaign launched by the Sandinist Revolution to arrive without competition at 7

“The elections lack legitimacy. The electoral authority acts outside democratic standards of impartiality and transparency. The magistrates of the Electoral Supreme Council (CSE) are Sandinista militants,” says the report made public in recent hours by the Open Urns Citizen Observatory.

The different civil organizations have verified how the state apparatus has deepened its usual strategies, which include home visits by home to press for the vote.
The same goes for public employees, who are reminded of who pays their salaries.
As it happened in Venezuela, officials must send their heads a photograph with the electoral ballot by marking the box 2, which corresponds to the Sandinistas.