The PP keeps silence before the sentence of two years in prison for Luis Bárcenas for the reform with black money from the National Headquarters of the Party, in Madrid Street of Genoa, 13. And before the sentence of the PP itself as a subsidiary civil manager.
“On that issue we have already said everything we had to say,” is the response that popular leaders consulted.
The slogan is univocal: no comments.

That is the guideline of Pablo Married: do not comment on the press cases of corruption, to try to restore importance and to draw a very clear bisector between the current PP direction and cases of corruption of the past.
Because the dome of now “can not afford it more, with the judicial calendar that is coming”, as the president of the main opposition party admitted.

The National Hearing has sentenced two years in prison to the former PP treasurer for paying to the company unifies an amount of 1.07 million euros for the works of Genoa “outside the billing and official accounting and not declared to the
Public finance “, when Mariano Rajoy presided over the game.

The Court dictates that the PP was the subsidiary civil civil responsible of the 123,669 euros of those responsible for their ex-treasurer and corresponding to a part of the corporate tax that unifies did not pay when they have charged part of the work in black.

This is the second sentence to the PP, after the Gürtel case.
Endring that there are more corruption scandals at the forefront of today, Pablo Married announced on February 16, the abandonment of the National Headquarters of Genoa to break with that past now judged.
“We must not continue at this headquarters, whose reform is being investigated in the courts.”

That same day, PP president gave the order to the party not to speak again with the press of the cases of corruption of their own: “Since today, this national direction will not give again explanations about any past question that corresponds to a
Personal action that has not been for the benefit of the party or even been able to harm you. ”

The National Directorate has not yet decided where you will go, or if you will rent or sell the building, but you have appointed a consultancy to manage the project: Colliers.

Since the PSOE has been claimed to the PP and, in particular, Paul married to appear before the public to give explanations of the “systemic corruption” that affects his party, instead of parapets in the dynamics of not wanting to try those

The Socialist spokesman in Congress, Héctor Gómez, has demanded that the PP has to assume “political responsibilities” for this sentence and those that could come from now on by the new vercity finding of the Bárcenas papers.
Thus, he has warned that “it can not be alternative to the Government of Spain a corrupt match” and that has been dedicated to operating “outside the law” in its financing.

For the PSOE, there is no “new” PP and another “previous” that is different from the current one, but it is the same party and, apostille, that even married was part of the Rajoy National Directorate.
That is why Gómez demand immediate explanations, assumption of responsibilities and concrete measures to “correct” corrupt “drift”:

For its part, citizens have also claimed married that it is not hidden behind any communicative strategy not to mention corruption nor from the argument that it is a “previous” stage of the PP.
In this sense, Edmund Bal has expressly demanded that he collaborate with justice to clarify the cases that continue to be investigated instead of arguing that they have no responsibility in those matters.

At the press conference, the Parliamentary spokesperson of Citizens has highlighted that the facts collected in the sentence are “very serious” and has claimed that the PP now has “moral obligation” to restore society the black money he received and used for
Different purposes, so it has urged you to donate a million euros to alleviate that damage.

The parties that make up the government, surrounded by the deep internal crisis that splashes them since a week, have taken advantage to divert focus and point out the new judgment that affects the popular.
From the minority member of the Executive, united we can, has been vaticinated that “more” convictions will come for the Popular Party.
“If this happened to another game, it would have been illegalized and its high imprisoned charges.”

“The best thing for democracy is that citizenship keeps them as far as possible from the government,” said the leader of we can and minister of social rights, Ione Belarra, in relation to the Covenant between United we can and PSOE, for the time being.
, He is able to keep on the right outside the Moncloa.

Since the same ranks of the Parliamentary Group, this news has been related to the withdrawal of the seat of which was number three of we can, Alberto Rodríguez, after being sentenced by the Supreme Court: “that the 89 deputies of the PP are not concerned, who will maintain
The Act “, has opined the president of the Confederal Group, Jaume Asens.
“For some it seems that stealing and defrauding is better seen than the right to protest.”

“Not even unconstitutionally parasitating the CGPJ manage to get rid”, has published in social networks in Congress, Pablo Echenique.
“They should issue a dissolution statement and surrender to the police.”