On October 25, 2001, today 20 years ago, the whole world was moved before the news that Soraya Stefary-Bakhtiari, known as the “princess of sad eyes” had been found dead, completely alone, in his apartment in Paris

He discovered his corpse the employee of home that came every morning to his home, when he entered his room and found it lying on the bed.
She was 69 years old and the official version is that the death of her was due to “natural causes”, since she suffered serious circulatory problems.
In any case, her sad death was the brooch that best fitted with the tragic existence of that princess of a thousand and one nights that, after being repudiated, she wandered around the world in complete loneliness.

Born in Tehran in June 1932, his mother was a German and his father an Iranian nobleman who exercised from Ambassador in Berlin and that before the rise of Nazism, he decided to send his daughter to educate a Swiss internship.
Soraya was already a beautiful young beautiful of 19 and impressive emerald green eyes when Iran’s shaman, Mohamed pray Pahleví, discovered it in a photograph of her.
He was 36 years old and had been married to Princess Fawzia, sister of King Faruk of Egypt, who gave him a daughter, but at the impossibility of lighting a male, she was repudiated.
The SHA, supporter of Westernizing Iran, had raised a second nuptials with a European princess, even noticed María Gabriela de Savoy, daughter of the former King Humberto of Italy and first girlfriend of Don Juan Carlos.

But when he saw the picture of Soraya, he did not have eyes for another woman and married her in a lavish ceremony held on February 12, 1951 at the Golastan Palace, in which the bride wore a spectacular model in Lamé Silver of Christian Dior
Embroidery with 6,000 diamonds and 20,000 white feathers.

But despite the devotion that SHA professed by his wife, things were not easy in marriage, because of the continuous conspiracies instrumented against Soraya by the mother of Sha, Tay Ol Moluk, and her sisters, jealous of that love.
The impossibility of the princess to give an heir to the throne, after seven years of marriage and having visited the best gynecologists on the planet, was her official excuse to remove her definitively from her SHA.
Something that, as Soraya later revealed in her memoirs, was the product of a plot, since she was not sterile and the medical reports that she was diagnosed were manipulated.

On February 13, 1958, Mohamed Reza Pahleví, with the hearthorn heart, repudiated Soraya.
Not without before having supplied that he would allow him to take another fertile wife so as not to break his union, which tolerates the Muslim law, but Soraya refused.
That night on February 13, for the first time the shaman of her did not send him the 60 red roses he always sent him when he could not share bed with her, nor he would do it anymore, because they never saw again.

The SHA was married a year later with Farah Diva, who gave him four children, but his final was tragic, because after being overthrown by the Ayatollah Jomeini Revolution in 1979, he died of cancer in exile without being able to return to his country.
He never forgot Soraya, as he recognized in Paris Match after repudiating her.
“I think a lot about her, I’m still in love with her.”

Soraya, after the divorce, received a great sum of money, jewelry, diplomatic passport and the title of Imperial Princess.
She settled first in Italy, where she made her pinitos as an actress and she maintained a relationship with the famous Indovine Franco Film Director, who died in an aviation accident.
After this new tragedy, she settled in Paris, alternating with stays in Gstaad and Marbella at Jet’s parties where she drowned her penalties in alcohol.
She neither did she forget the SHA, whom she continued to refer as “my husband” and I recognized: “I could not give him a son, but I gave him my heart. I loved him desperately, but overcame the reason for state.”