Between recording from the home garden of your parents and winning a Waves Award, in the life of Victoria Martín and Carolina Iglesias there is a podcast.
Between investing your savings in a series that no platform wanted and ended up on YouTube and be collaborating Andreu Buenafuente, there are 17 months.
Among the first reeds that joined them and the few minutes that now last entrances for their shows throughout Spain, there are 55 programs stretching the chewing gum and no intention to break.

“We have created us with Nacho [its producer] and Susi [His Press Head], nobody has put us a program.
We were left out of resources, we put our money and curr 24 hours a day on weekends included, “starts Victoria Martín.
“At the beginning we invest in a videowall and in a Chula photo session to pretend more than we were,” Complementa Carolina Iglesias.

The appearance was that of two comics – here the genre matters – that in May 2020 they did not reach 30, they appealed to a female and youth audience, they had discovered their affinity by taking some beers between “nonsense” and “complaints towards the industry”
And they had created a series, valid, that nobody wanted to buy and hung on YouTube.

But the reality says that in just a year and a half they already have about four million reproductions per month with their program – a weekly million – a newly lived waves to the best podcast, are part of the Late Motiv team and the queues for their shows in
Live only understand growth.
In Valencia, a month ago, there were thousands of people who awaited hours before their arrival at more than 30 degrees for an enclosure that collapsed and forced people to see them outside the fences.
“We can no longer control the phenomenon, but we are graceful and that leads us to follow,” they recognize.

Internet is very good, but we want the pancake of the TV, a boat and an apartment building

And more now that the wave does not stop growing, although there are some nuances.
“We are aware that this fascination is going to end, but the industry has not opened all the doors of the world either.
There are only people at times that brings us proposals to take a piece of cake without getting wet much, “details Victoria, who adds that” to be called a dissident voice, you have to be number 1. ”

Stretching the chewing gum is in Spain for months in the spotify listening.
“Let us call us now, it’s not a bet, they call you because the program is already logged in, if not, I would communicate all the time because there are people who like our speech, but others like that we are number 1”
, Top Carolina.

In fact, they have lived it in the first person in the world of masculine comedy.
“There are some who call us and it shows that they have not heard us.
If they had done it, they would not do it because we have put them to parir.
But see an opportunity to take advantage to make an image bleach and we have to know how to choose ».

At the moment they have chosen the television and the protection of Buenafuente, which was the first to take them as invited to Late Motiv and now have them collaborating.
«Internet is very good, but we also want the catch of the TV, a boat or an apartment building of the first to the ninth,” Slides Victoria Martín with that tone between a shrill joke and characteristic claim: “Neither is it necessary to be all day
Fighting and angry, we are very happy, but it gives us an ass that in the end they tell us that there is already a comic working in the resistance when the teams of script at all places are plagued by men. ”

That, together with problems of anxiety and mental health, are the lines with which they have been silent among a mostly feminine audience – an 84% of their listeners are women- and youth.
That some have come to call the generation of glass.
“And says the generation of rock who did not have anything, they did not know how to take care of their feelings and married or had a child to try to solve something.
The same is better to go to the psychologist who covers one thing that is wrong, “says Carolina.

And his companion has just closed it.
«It is an absurd definition when they are much more aware than their parents or we of their mental health because they go much more to the psychologist than before.
I started with 24 and I was soon, but my parents have never worried about their mental health and thus have badly managed things. ”

Sitting in front of them does not differ in excess of listening to them on the other side of the headphones.
It’s like a tennis match where all the balls come back loaded with some pulle.
Now they go to those who define them as a program only for gay women or men.
“Obviously we go more to women, but hetero men have to listen for example what it means to have the rule and get blood from there.
If you are willing, for me it is a joy because it means that you arrive beyond.
And there are already a lot of women who tell us that their boyfriends listen to us without them, it is not to accompany them, they like our comedy and have fun, “explains Carolina Iglesias.

«I think they start to open because this is not comedy for women, it’s comedy and you can like it or not just like the one who does an uncle.
We received many messages from 62 years old who are learning because his daughter was taught and they confliced.
It is absurd to reduce society to the ridiculous point that if it is an uncle you will like more or less, “provides Victoria Martín.
And she apostil with irony: «Someday we are in a 50-50 women and men … Yes, by the balls».

His intention remains that his guests and collaborators are women – just a man has gone by stretching the chewing gum: Iggy Rubín- and, above all, not abandoning the eschatological humor.
“They still tell us that there is no need to talk about poop, we are very good comics to talk about poop and it is not true, we are not so good comics,” Ironizan.

Call us people that we have put to parir to whiten because they have not heard us

Keeping invariable what is working, the success key of two women who do not forget to look back, at the beginning, which “has not been easy”.
When they created their series, the scarce money from the brands went into production expenses and they did not win anything.
When even today they have tried to negotiate audiovisual projects with platforms they have again said no.
«What you have to do is that companies and means bet on the most dissident voices of comic women, who have a program and that they do not have to build it with their hands from below, like any man,” Incide Victoria Martín, who puts on the
Table Theme of women in comedy and the alleged culture of cancellation that denounce some men.

– Do we have a culture of cancellation in our society?

C. I. The same thing that has arrived is the time to retire already, just some have spent all my life without anyone telling them anything and in their brain they have given for good opinions not.

V. M. These people only think about what affects them and how they do not affect them anything because they say everything is an exaggeration and they are centered.
They have no empathy.
Because of course, you are in the Eurobuilding or in your office, tasting a straw after eating with a pure.

And, so, they close this talk with the intention of never stopping stretching the chewing gum.