White cumata between the PSOE and the PP to renew the constitutional organs.
The two main parties have been put on Thursday in accordance with the appointments of the Constitutional Court, the Ombudsman, the Data Protection Agency and the Court of Auditors.

According to sources of negotiation to the world, the new magistrates of the Constitution will be the Professor of Constitutional Law Enrique Arnaldo and the president of the Criminal Chamber of the National Hearing, Esperal Concepción (at the proposal of the PP), as well as the magistrate
Progressive of the Ramón Sáez Valcárcel and the former Vocal of the CGPJ and Magistrada Immaculate Montalbán, at the proposal of the PSOE.

With this pact, both popular and the Government choose four related jurists by the shift of the Congress of Deputies to occupy an armchair in the Guarantee Court during the next nine years.

Thus ends the blockage situation that weighed on the TC since November 2019. By appointing two counselors, the formation of Pablo married and two other the PSOE, the balance of forces in the body in charge of interpreting the Constitution, which maintains a
Conservative majority

For his part, the Ombudsman will be the former leader of the PSOE Madrid Angel Gabilondo.
This morning, the PP has already accepted this proposal, as this newspaper advanced.
It will be attached to Gabilondo, Teresa Jiménez Becerril.

The counselors of the Court of Auditors have also been renewed.

These covenants return some normality to the relationship of PSOE and PP, after they put in 2018 the names of the CGPJ, but the pact was frustrated by the refusal of Manuel Marchena to preside over the organ, after knowing a PP whatsapp on the alleged control
They were going to have of the second chamber of the Supreme Court.

The agreement is the first since February, when Executive and PP Packed Renovate the RTVE Board of Directors, but they hit the CGPJ, after being about to unlock it.

Now it has not been entered into the renewal of the CGPJ, which is the most important and the most difficult to unlock.
It is left for later.
For this body, the PP requires a reform of the Organic Law of the Judiciary that allows judges to choose among them at least half of the Council ‘vowels.
Now the judicial dome remains as the only blocked institution.

The agreement for the rest of the agencies arrives after, on day 14, the opposition leader launched the glove to the Government President in the Control Session, in Congress: “Let us renew the other organs.”
Sánchez closed in Banda, but minutes later the Minister of the Presidency, Felix Bolaños, appeared before the means to announce that he would call Genoa.

Negotiations between Teodoro García Aegea and Bolaños began on the afternoon of that Wednesday, fruitioned without names on Thursday morning, stopped for the 40 PSOE congress and have resumed this week.
Both have been maintaining for months, interlocution.