“It’s a pass, I’m flipping, I have the mobile burning!” Says Rozalem without stopping laughing.
With only 35 years, the Albacete has become the youngest artist on Thursday in receiving the National Award for Current Music, a recognition called by the Ministry of Culture and Sports since 2009 and that in the past they have received Joan Manuel Serrat, Martirio
, Casal Light, Santiago Auson and Kiko Veneno, among others.
“They are all my teachers and my idols, are the mirrors in which I want to look at; I want to go where they have arrived,” she explains.
The youth of the Albacean artist should not yet surprise, since it is an award that recognizes the activity carried out during the year before the award for the prize: it is not a prize for a whole career.

“When I have been called I could not believe it,” but this does not touch me now, “he continues.
“He has called me the Minister of Culture, Iceta, when he was traveling and with a bad coverage, and thought, ‘Where is the camera?’
I have stayed in shock. And I have not landed yet, “she says, still laughing after each of him.

“The prize makes me feel young and old at the same time, I feel pressure, it is a recognition that is usually given people with a longer trajectory,” he says, “but it’s a pressure that’s good because it puts me the pile for
Continue working a lot. Top not to disappoint. ”

The jury of the prize, which is endowed with 30,000 euros, has especially outstanding its sensitivity and commitment to feminism, accessibility and social inclusion. ”
These qualities of emotional and sentimental nature, according to the jury’s record, “materialize in the last album of it, the tree and the forest”.
In addition, it must be remembered that, for years, the singer-songwriter is accompanied over the stage at each concert of a signs interpreter.

“I know that it can crash that the jury says that, but it is that women suddenly, we are telling more things or is a visibility that was younger. So I am proud that sensitivity with feminism is highlighted, because I write
From my feelings and emotions and I am a woman, and we are very accustomed to listening to songs from the vision of man. ”

In addition, in a more musical plane, the jury has highlighted from María de los Angeles Rozalén “the artistic quality of his work as a composer and interpreter, who reaches the tradition of the song of author expanding his aesthetics and musical records towards pop rock”

“I feel a lot of responsibility with what I can count on the songs, with which the children listen to them, with the responsibility that you have when many people listen to your music … that hook me and gives me a lot of modest, I think I have to do things
Every time better, “explains the artist.

Rozalen began his professional career upon arrival in Madrid in 2012. So far he has published four studio albums, with a pop style whose base is the author’s song and which incorporates some elements of traditional music and Spanish folklore.
The popularity has accompanied his career since the publication of his first songs, in 2013. The National Award arrives the same one year he has received the Goya to the best original song because not, no, main theme of the film the wedding of
Rosa, from Icíar Bollaín.

“This year I’ve been blocked and very dedicated to the tour, but this month I had started writing again,” explains Rozalem.
“I’m writing new cosics, without stopping to come around everything I want to do.”

His last album, the tree and the forest, was published last November and is influenced indirectly by death and by the pandemic.
“In 2020 I lost my grandmother, who is one of the people who loved the most in my life, she was not for the Covid, but she was an indirect cause because she could not treat her,” she recalls her.
“I was very angry that his last months were like that, but I also had the luck to accompany her in the traffic, which was, buf … I had never seen anyone die. It is very beast what you learn in a hospital, in the
Palliative plant, seeing a person who has taken care of you withering and going back. ”

The jury, chaired by the Director General of the National Institute of Performing Arts and Music (INAEM), Amaya de Miguel, has been composed of the cultural manager Almudena heir, the musical journalist and former radio presenter 3 José Miguel López,
The musician Francisco López Martín, the director of the Mercat de Music Viva, Montserrat Portús;
The also music journalist of Radio 3 Julio Ródenas and Carmen Zapata, as representative of the Women’s Association of the Music Industry.