The Housing Law that so many headache has caused between we can and the PSOE within the Government will authorize the autonomous communities freezing the rental prices in “tensioned areas”.

The Law will consider “tensioned zone”, that in which housing expenses suppose more than 30% of tenant’s income or purchase or rent prices have uploaded more than 5 points above the autonomic IPC in the last five
Years, as the chain has advanced.

In that case, the tenant may request an extension of the rent for three years and in the new contracts you can only upload the rent 10% whenever you have become improvements in housing.

To encourage the reduction of rentals, the law will establish a 90% relief to contracts that are lowered by 5%.
And to stimulate that the owners put floors in the rental market, the municipalities may require a surcharge of 50% of the IBI to permanently unemployed homes for more than two years.