The PP is willing to accept Angel Gabilondo as the new defender of the People in substitution of Francisco Fernández Marugán.
This ensures this newspaper sources of the negotiation that maintains the government with the popular ones to unlock all constitutional bodies except the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ).

The Minister of Presidency, Felix Bolaños, has proposed former PSOE leader in Madrid for the position and the PP sees his appointment with good eyes.
You just need the Gabilond itself accept it.
It would be the first of the four agreements that are close to announcing Bolaños and the Secretary General of the Popular Party, Teodoro García Aegea.

Gabilondo was the chosen to replace Marchagán in charge in February, when he was about to reach a PSOE and PP agreement to renew all organs, including CGPJ.
But the rupture of these negotiations gave the fret with Gabilondo’s plans, which ended up repeating candidacy at the Autonomic Elections from Madrid, on May 4.

His bulky defeat against Isabel Díaz Ayuso promoted his resignation as a leader of the PSM and now Bolaños has thought about him again for office.
The PP is willing to accept it, insist the consulted sources.

In the absence of the last fringes for this Agreement, the negotiators are close to reaching other covenants in the renovation of the Constitutional Court, the Court of Auditors and the Data Protection Agency