The coal sneaks into the energy crisis in which Europe is plunged and threatens to stop the race to stop the decarbonization undertaken worldwide.
If the objective of the main countries of the planet is to reduce its CO2 emissions to stop climate change, this year can already occur for lost.
“Despite all the progress made by renewable energies and electric mobility, in 2021 a large rebound is observed in the use of coal and oil. In large part for this reason, the second largest annual increase in history is also observed
In CO2 emissions, “explains Faith Birol, Director General of the International Energy Agency (AIE), in the last report on energy prospects published by this organism.

The strong recovery of the economy after the coup of the Covid has forced to burn 11% more coal and 8% more natural gas worldwide to meet the highest energy demand in the first half of the year, since as it warns the
AIE investments in clean sources such as renewables have not gone as fast as they should.

The clearest example is China – the world’s first coal consumer – whose demand has skyrociated by 2021. This increase has even exceeded the increase in production, which has been 5%, which
It has derived in a strong increase in this fuel.

The situation is similar to that of natural gas, which this year is quoted at historically high levels.
“The strong increase in natural gas prices have derived in a substantial turn towards the use of coal to generate electricity in the United States, Europe and Asia. The increase in the use of coal are leading to an increase in CO2 emissions linked to
Electrical generation globally, “says the document.

The Agency concludes that the price of energy will continue high during the coming months and links it to the lack of investments in hydrocarbons due to the sinking of prices in 2014 and 2015. To these restrictions on the offer is added an increase in the
Demand scheduled during the next winter months in the northern hemisphere, which has led all countries to raise their purchases to guarantee supply.

Most European countries have already announced containment measures to attempt to mitigate this increase in energy.
In Spain, for example, the Government has limited the rise in the 4% gas receipt -frete to 29% that it would have corresponded according to the current fuel quote – and has reduced the fiscal and regulated part of the electricity rate.

AIE considers that these measures are “legitimate” to protect more vulnerable consumers, but notify that in any case they should be implemented so that they do not discourage investment climate in clean technologies such as renewable, energy efficiency, electrical networks, energy
Nuclear and biofuels.
The message coincides with the avalanche of notices and criticisms carried out by investment banks and raptor agencies on the uncertainty generated by the changes approved in Spain.