William Shatner, Captain Kirk of Star Trek, debuted in the Fiction Series aboard the mythical Enterprise ship in 1966. Few are those who then thought that some day of his role in this success production would also come true.

This Wednesday Shatner, at age 90, was one of the four guests to travel to space in the project of the Blue Origin company of Millionaire Jeff Bezos.

The New Shepard rocket, which was wearing the crew at the upper end of the ship, started first time from the west Texas with more than 60 minutes late.
However, he fulfilled his goal of reaching 62 miles tall (about 100 kilometers) before returning to Earth after 10 minutes of flight.

Among the astronauts partners of Shatner were also: Chris Boshuizen, co-founder of the Nanosatellites Planet Labs, Glen de Vries, co-founder of a clinical research platform, and Audrey Powers, Vice President of Missions and Flight Operations of Blue Origin.

After a gentle landing, Shatner, who has become the older person to travel to space, wrote the next phrase from Isaac Newton in his Twitter personal account: “I do not know what may seem to the world, but for me
It has been like a child playing on the seashore that has fun now and then finding a softer pebble or a pretty shell than normal, while the great ocean of truth extends without discovering before my eyes. ”

After disembarking from the ship, Jeff Bezos received the four crew and also shared with the media his particular adventure in space.
“It is the deepest experience that I could have lived, it is extraordinary,” said the actor to the founder of Amazon, while he stressed how he had seen “the vulnerability of the air” that keeps humanity alive.

Before this last launch to space, the 18-meart ship has flown on 15 occasions in test mode.
Its premiere occurred on July 20 with Bezos himself and his brother Mark on board.

The capsule is called New Shepard in homage to Alan Shepard, the first American who reached space in 1961 and one of the astronauts that have stepped on the moon.

On the other hand, the project has not been exempt from controversy: Blue Origin’s Employee Communications Exdirector, Alexandra Abrams, published a text with allegations of a score of workers and former workers of the company, unidentified, who
They denounced a toxic work environment.