There is already a touch of tragicomic that the federal speaker of the AfD, Jörg Meuthen, announced his withdrawal from this office on the day on which Angela Merkel, the hate figure par excellence of the far-right party, was on a farewell visit to Israel. At the same time, in the form of the SPD and the Greens, two of the three protagonists of Meuthen’s “left-rot-grün-versifftem 68er-Deutschland” are preparing to chart the political course of the coming years together with the FDP.

Nothing could illustrate the failure of Meuthen more clearly than that the party has not won a political power option in the federal government in the six years in which he was responsible. On the contrary: The loss of more than one million second votes in the Bundestag election is also due to the fact that the co-chairman, who like many top officials comes from the West, has not been able to give the AfD a national conservative-bourgeois touch. Rather, the officially disbanded “WING” is probably stronger than ever.