The Colombian entrepreneur Carlos Mattos Barrero, owner of the Hyundai concession in Colombia, asks the National Hearing to suspend his delivery to Colombia, whose authorities attribute bribes to a judge.

Mattos, detained this week in Madrid, attending to the Order dictated by Colombian justice, is found in the Soto del Real prison waiting for extradition to his country.
Through a written presented this afternoon by the lawyer of him Ismael Oliver esgrime the complicated state of health of him to curb the process.
He emphasizes that Colombian prisons do not guarantee access to the health system of inmates and that, therefore, the delivery of it would put the lives of it at risk.
That is why he appeals to the third section of the criminal room to cancel the process and release him.

Likewise, he refers to another extradition process that is still “in process” as well as an appeal before the Supreme Court that combats the delivery of Mattos to Colombia.
For all this he appeals to a “process with all guarantees” and that the rights of him are not violated.

As this newspaper revealed, Mattos himself asked for several weeks to the national audience that he clarified if one of his leaders met secretly with the Minister of Justice of his country to address his extradition.

Through a letter referred to the Third Section of the Criminal Room of the National Hearing, Mattos, to which the Colombian authorities attribute the purchase of a Bogotá judge to adopt precautionary measures in favor of his company, Hyundai Colombia Automotive,
He referred to the content of a recent interview granted by Minister Wilson Ruiz in the local Blu Radio station.

As Subraled Mattos, Ruiz said textually to have “gathered with members of the national audience” to manage his immediate delivery to Colombia.
“They told me they’re going to deport it here and I think we’re going to give good news to the country in the coming weeks,” he said on September 14.