The delivery of the latest temptation issued on Wednesday, October 6 in Telecinco revealed details that could endanger the couple formed by Lucía Sánchez and Isaac Torres.
While she has begun to distrust her boyfriend, he has starred an approach with Bela Salem.

The protagonists of ‘reality’ who live in Villa Playa decided that the young woman of Syrian origin was one of the first expelled.
However, they still do not know that she will continue in the format, since she moved to Villa Luna.
There she made it clear that she wants to conquer the young man known as a wolf.

“Are you happy to see me?” She asked the Catalan after his arrival.
He he recognized that he did and then explained that they had had an ‘affaire’, indicating that they shared “good rogue” for a couple of days.

Bela corrected it and indicated that her romance had lasted longer.
The participant confirmed that they had continued in contact, but stressed that there is only friendship and that he is now in love.

Isaac said he had no girlfriend when he was with Bela: “At the time it’s over and went friends, she knows that there was more than kisses, but Lucia is what matters to me.”
The single one who had gone through the third edition of the island of temptations released him: “To me my friends do not make me grace, there is an attraction that you refuse to recognize.”

The tempting did not hide its intention to seduce Lucia’s boyfriend.
At night they shared a bed and she put a pink picardies.
The ex of Marina asked him between jokes when he saw her out of her: “Are you going to sleep with that? I love you with long pants, sweatshirt and hat. Top, tap”.

The next day Isaac offered himself as a volunteer when deciding which inhabitant of Villa Luna the next bonfire would be lost, as he commented that he relies almost 100% on his girlfriend.
His colleagues left, so he stayed at home with the two expelled from Villa Playa.

Bela took advantage of the occasion to fool with him on a sofa.
“You have to come with me, I’m sure, do not you see me, I’m going to take for you?” She snapped between caresses and looks of complicity.
He followed the game and challenged her to get one more step, giving rise to an approach that could be seen during the last seconds of the program.

Lucia was very angry during a party in Villa Playa, after Bela and Manuel commented that Isaac has been unfaithful.
She asked everyone to stop talking about the subject.
In addition, she asked why she had not taught him evidence of what they affirm.

On the other hand, the participant of the ‘Reality’ tried to limar asperities with marina to have a quiet coexistence.
The two chatted with cordiality and the Sevillian warned him: “You will find yourself with time. Isaac for me is a pure and hard actor. It has done me very very very things and, if I have done to me, you are going.
to do to you, to the other and the other. ”

Subsequently the Lobo Exhibition broke to cry no apparent reason.
The Gaditana approached her, in case she had been the cause of her discomfort at that time.
The two began to talk about their feelings and ended up going to her room, where they shared certain confidences.

Lucia began to overwhelm and consider whether Isaac was being sincere with her after discovering personal details of the relationship that her partner had maintained with her exam.
“You’re telling me my life right now,” she expressed her by listening to some of the marine stories.

The next morning the young man chatted with Patry and with Alejandro, who had been his companions in Villa Luna since the beginning of the adventure: “Many situations that she has lived with Isaac I am living with practically the same”.
Lester’s girlfriend asked him: “Do you trust him?”
She answered: “Right now I do not know.”