On Wednesday, October 6, moments of great sadness were lived in saving.
Kiko Hernández collapsed due to the death of her friend Begoña Sierra and left the set.
It was then when Jorge Javier Vázquez shared an emotional reflection.

“I think it’s the hardest stage we’re going on in this program and with the last events Many we’ve done many questions,” said the presenter, as it seemed like a clear reference to the death of Mila Ximénez.

The communicator revealed that he had spoken with Kiko, who confessed he wanted to leave television.
“I’m going to share something with the audience, who sometimes has to be tired of listening to us saying that we want to leave it, I thought many times about that and I have been the first one I wanted to go,” she admitted.

“In this profession when you are well sometically it seems easy for you to do it and when you are lowered to blame your profession and you see that the only exhaust valve is long, it is not well known where,” he explained.

“It has to do with that, as our work is face to the public, you want to do your job with good spirits, with a smile, with good humor. When inside you feel a shit you feel that honestly it is not right to be there”, she was
Jorge Javier.

Kiko Hernández explained in the program how he felt after his friend’s death.
“It was like my second mother, inside, it was a very long and very hard disease, for me it has been unexpected, I had been on Monday with her to see her, to see ours, and suddenly he died,” he said.

“I have a year that I can not anymore, I laugh a duel with the other, there is a time when you bundle, I’m not going to take many pills, but on Monday I did not know how many Lexatin did not know where I was,” she revealed
“I’m not used to death, nobody has been killed, I suddenly die, the people of blow and fast, do not proceed a mourning and you’re already with another, it’s terrible,” he regretted the collaborator, who said he wanted
Take a few days to rest.