Within the block of floors of downtown Lesnaya street there is a strange atmosphere.
In several floors there are pots without flowers and the elevator where the crime occurred is narrower than usual, a kind of metallic coffin that an afternoon of 2006 when opening its jaws saw its fumigated interior with gunpowder.
The journalist of ‘Novaya Gazeta’ Anna Politkovskaya was murdered today for 15 years at the entrance of her house in Moscow.
On October 7, a gunman raised four shots to burn.
The last one was in the head, a shot of ‘control’, as the assignments do.
Next to the bloody body they left the gun, the signature of a commission on request.
At the door of the house where he lived and died, as well as a dark plate in his memory, lay yesterday a single flower, a sunflower sunflower, with a note with the word ‘pomnim’ (“remember”) written in red blood.
But the ‘Politkovskaya case’ prescribes today. According to her family and her friends, closes false.
The killer and organizers of the attack were tried, but the identity of the ‘client’ has not yet been pointed out: the person who commissioned that murder.
The classmates of the journalist recall that despite the fact that the evidence and many circumstances of the murder pointed to Chechnya – and in particular, his leaders, whom she criticized so much – the investigation did not try to reach those who could give the
From the beginning the tracks led Chechens and former policemen.
The former police commissioner Muscovita, Dimitri Pavlyutschenkov confessed to having followed the journalist and had achieved the weapon with which the murder was committed, and he was punished with 12 years in prison.
The man who shot, Rustam Majmudov, was sentenced to life imprisonment.
The two brothers of him, Ibrahim and Chabrail, received 14 and 12 years.
Former police Serguei Hadchikurbanov, 20 years old.
He who coordinated the crime, the Chechen businessman Lom-Ali Gajtukayev, was sentenced to life imprisonment.
The five deny the charges.
During his career, Politkovskaya came across threats of death and poisoning.
She earned a reputation for her coverage of human rights violations in the North Caucasus and her criticisms at Kremlin.
A decade and a half later, today expires the prescription deadline for this crime.
“From now on, the ‘client’, even if it is pointed out, it will not be punished – less than the court decides otherwise, since it has the right to cancel the prescription – but it is for all this so the investigation was prolonged
as it could be left until this date, because the ‘client’ [of the murder] is politics. And, specifically, the high policy, it seems, “LAMESTA SERGUEI Sokolov, Deputy Director of ‘Novaya Gazeta’, the opposition newspaper that devotes all
Its cover to the murdered journalist.
Fifteen years after dying the journalist, today his case dies.
In the block of apartments there is someone who does not regret the first death of her or the second.
“I’m sorry for your children … and for ours, who found their corpse and went home in shock and left a trauma,” explains a neighbor, who blames Politkovskaya of his own murder –
“She knew what she was doing, she wrote to the dictation of others” – and also of the risk in which he put others with his mere existence.
“I lived among us, my children could have run into the murderer, he put us in danger with his writings, he could have gone elsewhere,” he refrumble as he ridicule the gesture of writing with one of his hands.
“So no, it does not give me any penalty,” he says getting into the elevator where Politkovskaya, his neighbor on the floor below, fell dead.
The journalist was 48 years old when he was killed on the day of the 54th birthday of President Vladimir Putin, who was then six was in office.
Today the Russian leader will blow 69 candles and evils denounced Politkovskaya remain in force in Russia.
At the same time that there are untouchable people, there are others that can be traversed by bullets or poison without ever rinking the case.
The newspapers and entities that have been more opposed to the Government have begun to be illegalized or enrolled in the ‘Black List’ this year.
As I lamented a few days ago Nadia Isayeva, a ‘Novaya Gazeta journalist, “independent journalism is really becoming a prohibited profession in Russia. When you deliver a story, you ask if they will register your office or open a case against you. Then
, You recompose and return to work. ”
In 2004, Politkovskaya already wrote it in his book ‘Russia de Putin’: “We rushed back to a Soviet abyss, a vacuum of information that announces death by our own ignorance.”