The tension within the Democratic Party was ostensible on Thursday night, even after reaching a last-minute agreement in Congress to avoid the closing of the Government.
The internal battle between moderates and progressives not only sends a sign of weakness for the legislative elections of the next year, but prevented an infrastructure plan from a one trillion dollars that already had the approval of the Republicans in
the Senate.
Progressives want green light to the gigantic expenditure of President Joe Biden in social and environmental matters and moderates refuse.

There came the blockade on Thursday night, despite the promise of Nancy Pelosi, a spokesman for the Democratic majority in Congress, which would have consensus before 11:00 in Washington.
The more leftist representatives pretended that the rest of the package with large funds in terms of health, environment and education will also vote for the rest of the package, so that there was no white smoke within the expected period.

This Friday activity in the corridors of the Capitol returned to be frantic, with the promise of Pelosi to reach an agreement before the end of the day.
Last midnight, the Democratic leader pointed out that there would be a vote for the reduction of the distance between the parties.
“It’s not trillion dollars,” she said after another marathon day.

“There has been a lot of progress this week and we are closer than ever,” said Jen Psaki, spokesman for the White House, in a statement on Thursday night.
“But we have not arrived there yet, so we will need some additional time to finish the job, starting tomorrow morning early.”

The key to unclogging negotiation goes through two own names: Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, the moderate senators who have made it clear that in no case will they reach up to 3.5 billion with whom he has been dreaming of biden months.
The progressives, with the support of Pelosi, would be willing to lower the amount up to 2.1 billion, but Manchin, Senator by West Virginia, already pointed out on Thursday that it will not happen from 1.5 billion for that game.

“I’m at 1.5 trillion,” said the centrist on Thursday night.
“I think those 1.5 trillion cover the necessary things we should do.”
But Democrats like Pramila Jayapal, congressman for Washington, want to go much further.
They demand that there be enough money for maternity and paternity, universal preschool for children from 3 years, a higher envelope of Medicare funds and free access to the university during the first two years.

Beyond the wear of the negotiations for the Democrats, the failure on Thursday could have a direct effect on the jobs of 4,000 transport department, facing temporary unemployment if the infrastructure plan is not signed.
Yes indeed.
On the Bureau, an emergency exit has been discussed to extend those road programs that could be approved as an emergency basis by both cameras.

Background, a one-trillion infrastructure law that would involve a capital injection with certain parallels to the extent approved former President Barack Obama in February 2009 to revitalize the economy in full recession.
To see the light, 110,000 million dollars would be allocated for repair and construction of roads, bridges and other projects;
65,000 million to expand the high-speed Internet network;
25,000 million for airports across the country, and sufficient funds for an ambitious network of charging points of electric vehicles, part of the great Green Biden Plan.

Obama did not then counted with a single Republican vote in the House of Representatives for his 787 million dollar stimulus package.
On this occasion, the Biden project has received the backing of moderate senators in both sides.
Bob Portman, Republican by Ohio, believes that the measure is “good for the country and that is why I am encouraging the Republicans to support it.”

Behind the reluctance of some conservatives is the fear that an agreement on infrastructures will also approve the ambitious Biden economic agenda.
There are, such as Senator Marco Rubio, representative by Florida, who believes that the President’s plan goes beyond socialism.
“It’s Marxism,” he wrote him on his Twitter account.