Shortly after Facebook leaves, rather late, to deny the reports published by The Wall Street Journal in which they indicate that the company itself knew how bad it was an Instagram for young people;
The social network is already involved in another controversy.

As a pull of ears, the newspaper has published another investigation in which they leave once again in evidence to Facebook: its executives describe neither shorts nor lazy to children between 10 and 12 years old as a mine of “wealth by exploiting”
, because it is a hearing that they do not arrive.

In this way, it is shown that Facebook plans with their instagram for children were neither remotely the only ones who had when reaching this audience that, for the time being, is more or less protected from social networks for their

One of the documents cited, dated March 2021, points out that Facebook has problems reaching the preteen audience around the world and warns that the acquisition of adolescent audience is slowing down.
Internally, Facebook anticipates that its audience in this section is reduced by 45% additional for the year 2023.

The internal reports of Facebook show light on very interesting information, as they consider that children begin to use the Internet “as soon as at six years”, which is why they imagine “a facebook designed for youth”.

Facebook is in a tremendously delicate situation in terms of its public image, because the continuous torrent of scandals does not stop growing and, although its user base remains immense and its applications (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp) have a global success;
All these investigations make the authorities look with a magnifying glass their activity and give wings to ideas such as the separation of the company in different entities.

The controversy last week around the damage produced by Instagram in younger women has led to the closure of a smaller children’s project on Instagram complaints and calls from a multitude of Democratic Party Representatives and Legislators in the US.

Facebook is losing ground among the young public and does not seem to go to recover it because not only to the thrust of Tiktok, but also the controversies that enhance their users.