The announcement that the European Union will deploy an electoral observation mission in the elections of Governors and Mayors on November 21 in Venezuela has been received as a good indication in the opposition, however, several of its leaders consider that the necessary conditions for
That the vote is free and transparent are still far away.

Therefore, the opposition leader Juan Guidó, recognized as interim president in dozens of countries, has promised to travel the country by calling Venezuelans to protest to demand better electoral conditions and, above all, a presidential election that allows the crisis definitively
Politics, something that will not be achieved with the elections in November.

“Ensure us on the four sides of Venezuela, we are going to raise and shake this country demanding conditions (…). You have to go out to all corners to accompany the citizen to demand free and fair elections, to demand a presidential election that should be required
Since 2018, to leave this tragedy and we are going to accompany them, we are going to be with our people, we will go to every corner of the country. Today there are no conditions, but we are not passive actors in this process, “he said Guidó in an act.
With his followers.

The main leaders of the GUAIDÓ Party, Popular Will, including his leader Leopold López, did not agree with participating in the election, because they consider that there are no guarantees to be really free, however, they accepted to write candidates for the pressure of
Most of its bases, sources said to the world.

Given that reality, Guidó has assumed a more conciliatory position, without criticizing those who decided to participate, but respecting those who are against.
“Here are men and women who have decided not to attend the 21st (November) event because there are no conditions; and there are regional leaders here present that they have decided to use it as a struggle tool, respect for the neighbors, of which
They have not stopped fighting. The challenge is to unify already, “Guidó said.

A requirement of the EU to send observers to the elections was that the main opposition parties inscribed candidates, the sources said.
And so it has been.

According to a study by the Unitary Opposition Platform, the party that has more candidates enrolled in governors is first justice with 7, followed by democratic action (6), a new time (4) and popular will (2).
As for the mayors, democratic action leads with 99 candidates, followed by first justice (69), a new time (57) and popular will (55).

Some did not see with good eyes the decision of the European Union to send observers to the election.
The eurodiputate Leopoldo López Gil, father of Leopoldo López, said the statements of the High Representative of the EU for foreign affairs and security policies, Josep Borrell, caused him “strangeness”, because in Venezuela the conditions for carrying out the

“If the conditions have not been given, how is it possible that we are authorizing an observation mission?” He asked himself.

López Gil recalled that in Venezuela there are more than 230 political prisoners, including General Raúl Isaiah Baduel and the journalist Roland Carreño, nearby ally of Leopoldo López, who have disrespected his fundamental rights, something incompatible with a democratic system.

“We would like to ask ourselves if the missions that the EU commands through its outer service, the dictators, the totalitarian regimes, becoming involved in elections that are a mockery to the liberties of the people. We would have to review if it is convenient or not to send a
Mission, “added López Gil.

According to the UGG advocate human rights Criminal Forum, in Venezuela there are 260 political prisoners at this time, 133 of them are military.

But the lack of conditions is not the only obstacle that the opposition must face if you want to be successful in November, the ghost of demotivation is also added, since the country is divided into the intention of participating.
According to the most recent study of the Datincorp surveyor, only 52.9% of Venezuelans is totally decided to vote in the elections.

The opponent leaders have campaigned promising magical solutions to the countless problems of the country, something that will demotivate the Venezuelans who know that once the opposition wins an mayor or governance, the mature regime blocks the resources and appoints “protectors”,
which are as governors or parallel mayors who do receive resources from the State and become de facto leaders.

The despair around the election is evident in the streets, where people have lost interest in politics and struggle to survive each day.
The new survey of living conditions, carried out by researchers from the main universities of the country, showed that 76.6% of Venezuelans live in extreme poverty, compared to 67.7% last year.
In total, 94.5% of the population is poor, a situation that has worsened by the pandemic and the shortage of gasoline that maintains a good part of the country.

In addition, 25.8% of the economically active population is unemployed, according to the study.
The average salary of the private sector in Venezuela is about $ 39 per month (33 euros), while in the public sector the employees barely earn about $ 12 per month (10 euros).