Many of the great journalists of the National Panorama will give classes at the Master of Journalism of Research, Data and Visualization of the World and the University King Juan Carlos.
All of them are active and, therefore, work with the latest news and the main topics that interest the public.
All of them are experts in different areas, consecrated reporters and authors of some of the biggest exclusive years.
They will provide master classes, presentations and different blocks of this course 2021-2022, which will celebrate its tenth edition.
This Master is also the one that has more professional outputs, with more than 70% employability among its students.

The journalists teachers and speakers who will pass through the classrooms of the Editorial Unity School This next course will teach students how they have managed to materialize some of their main investigations and exclusive.
They will also show the working methods that are used in the large media and will guide students to acquire skill in data management, factchecking, verification and visualization.
Some of the teachers and speakers with whom we will count this course are the following:

Journalist specializing in Radio, currently works in the world.
Javier Attard is the author of the daily podcast the world a day, which in a few months has managed to gather tens of thousands of listeners.

Journalist and co-director of the Civio Foundation, Eva Belmonte has specialized in scrutinizing public information, he is a creator of the BOE ours of each day and has published the Illustrated Boe-Spanish and Spanish dictionary.

Antonio Delgado is a journalist and specializes in innovation, data and visualization.
He is also a co-founder of Datadista.
He has worked on weblogs, has been the head of the Spanish data unit and head of projects in a vocent.

Editor’s Chief of El Mundo and Specialist in Terrorism, Angeles Escrivá was the journalist who discovered the Venezuelan hiding place from Juana Chaos, among many other exclusive.

It is head of the newspaper El Mundo, where he has worked in various sections and for years he is one of the last news heads of El
Isabel Espiño is also responsible for Engagement of

Member of the ICIJ (International Consortium of Research Journalists), Marcos García Rey has worked in media such as the confidential, the country or the world, and has participated in some of the great investigations of recent years worldwide, as the roles of

Journalist of the newspaper El País for more than 20 years, Miguel González is probably the most prominent reporter of the National Panorama on Defense Subjects, to which he has been dedicated to much of his career.
Expert in the armed forces and intelligence services, it usually publishes the main exclusives of this topic.

Miguel G. Corral is a specialist journalist in scientific and environmental journalism.
He is responsible for publishing publications on health unit and has coordinated all the information about the pandemic.

Journalist, has been responsible for reporters without borders in America.
Delphine Halgand-Mishra is currently the Executive Director of The Signals Network, an organization dedicated to international journalistic research, which works in cooperation with The Whistleblower Foundation, NGO dedicated to protecting complainants from corruption.

Editor of the world, is an event and research reporter and is currently in recent news from
Pablo Herraiz is also the director of the Master of Research Journalism, Data and Visualization of the World.

Chief editor of El Mundo, Fernando Lázaro has spent much of his career in the national section, covering indoor information.
He was the main author of the investigations on the Lasa and Zabala case or the so-called Faisan case, among many others.
He will teach the students how to inform and investigate about YiHadism, another of the specialties of it.

Journalist of the world, is an expert on tracking companies and properties.
José F. Leal is the author of the annual report the richest in Spain and research that has revealed the properties of Hunting Center for Spain, an information never before made public.

Journalist of the world and lawyer, is the editor of the National Specialized Section in Court Information, with extensive experience at the National Hearing, Supreme Court or CGPJ.
Manuel Marraco has covered many of the main cases of recent history and will be in charge of guiding students in the keys to judicial journalism.

He is the Head of Research of the Confidential, where he usually publishes large exclusively related to corruption.
In addition, José María Olmo is one of the main authors of which it has surely been research with the most repercussion in Spain of recent times: the hidden fortune of King Emeritus.

Journalist, audiovisual communicator and graphics and illustrator specialist.
He is one of those in charge of imparting the visualization module, so that students learn to capture their work and research in an attractive and understandable way of a single glance.

Editor of El Mundo, Ana María Ortiz is a reporter of events in the national and expert section on tracking and research on the sidelines of official information.
She recently posted a wide range of reports on disappeared.

Mermundo’s journalist, in recent years he has been destined in
She is a columnist in the Gran Madrid section of the newspaper and author, among other information, of the first interview she gave the known as King of the Dampture from prison.

Journalist from the world in the international section, Alberto Rojas is the reporter specialized in Africa and migrations.
Has covered, among other topics, different Ebola outbreaks in the heart Africa, the birth of the new Sudan country of the South, the crises of refugees in the Mediterranean or the last of Melilla, where it showed how research can be done on the ground

Roberto Ruiz Ballesteros is specialized in research and courts and has worked in the confidential, ABC, or being, among others.
He currently directs the Litigation Communication Department at the PROA consultant.

Journalist and philosopher, he has been communication director of the Ministry of Defense and the CNI.
He has also worked as a reporter in media as the country or change 16. He currently works at the Telefónica Communication Department.

Journalist of El Mundo, works in the Infographic section, and specializes in digital graphics.
Juan Carlos Sánchez is also the coordinator of the Master’s View module.

Carlos Segovia Deputy Director of the World and Economic Correspondent.
He usually covers the main economic information, such as those related to the Davos Forum, or in recent months, those related to the European Funds or the investigation of the Plus Ultra case.

Chief Editor In the World Sports section, Orfeo Suárez has written numerous information about corruption in sports, covering cases of football, police operations in the sports sphere or research to the Royal Spanish Football Federation, in
The so-called SOULE operation.

Ana Tudela is specialized in economic and research journalism, she is co-founder of Datadista and has worked in media such as economist, public and Spanish.

Deputy Director of El Mundo, Esteban Urreiztieta is the newspaper investigation responsible for years, and is the author of many of the main exclusives of recent years, such as Messi and Neymar contracts, Bárcenas Papeles, Box B of the PP
, the PUJOL case, the Urdangarín case.