For a long time since the space race ceased to be a matter of competition between foreign powers to become a fight between great multimillionaires for being the first to conquer spatial milestones from their private companies.

A change that many understand as an ego struggle between the supermilloners, who has aroused criticism in the past by extensive sectors of the population.
However, the matter had never scaled the UN, as it has happened this week.

In his opening speech before the General Assembly of the United Nations – in which world leaders were present as the US President Joe Biden, the British Premier, Boris Johnson, and Pedro Sánchez -, the Secretary General of the UN, Antonio
Guterres, took advantage of his speech opening the session to load against Elon Musk, Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos for “Going for a walk through space while millions of people go hungry on earth.”

A speech that was pronounced a few days after the return to the land of the Inspiration4 space mission organized by Jared Isaacman and Elon Musk through his company Spacex.

However, South African is not the only name of the Space Release of the Supermillionaires, which is made up of a terna.

On behalf of Musk, they must add that of Richard Branson, who embarked on a flight to the stratosphere organized by his own company this summer.

An incursion marked by the controversy and that is under investigation by the Federal Administration of Aviation of the United States since the flight deviated from the authorized trajectory and that the ship received alerts in the form of bright signals warning about this problem that it was
Ignored by the crew.
Some facts that from the company gently deny.

The third name that the Terna completes is that of the founder of Amazon, Jeff Bezos with his Blue Origin company.
Bezos undertook his own space trip a few days after Branson.

In its case, the controversial wine marked after its ground return, when in an intervention before the media after it landed on the aircraft.
“I want to thank all Amazon employees and clients because, you, guys, you have paid all this,” said Bezos.

A few words that were criticized by the public and various organizations in which Amazon’s employees are grouped, whose protests for working conditions have been prolonged for years.

However, Bezos has been the only one of the three supermilloners to react to the words pronounced by Antonio Guterres at the UN.
He has announced that he will donate 1,000 million dollars to nature conservation projects around the world.

A decision that, affirms, was taken “during his spatial trip in July with Blue Origin”, which “he” recalled that nature is fragile. ”