Martiño Rivas (36) It seems he is in love again.
After the rupture of him almost a year ago with the mother of his son, the dancer Kayoko Everhart, the actor Gallego has shared in his social networks a publication that has jumped the alarms, as it seemed like the announcement of a new love

“I was lying on the A-6, with a sign that said ‘Esperanza’ and she stopped the car in the gutter. And he gave me the lights,” the young man wrote last Sunday next to a picture of the model Lily Fofana.
The poetic thing of the matter gave to understand that it was not a true story – although in networks has opened a debate about whether it was so, but what is clear is that the actor wanted to announce the four winds he was, again
, in love.

At the moment, many details of the life of the young woman are known.
She originally from ivory coast, she lives in Madrid, where she works as a model.
The physicist sculpted from her and the 1’78 meters high have earned her to make important orders in the world of modeling, as she has collaborated with publications of the Size of Vogue, Elle or Cosmopolitan.
She also, she has worked with brands like Nike, Lefties or Bimba and Lola.

In social networks, the young woman accumulates 8,000 followers and, in them, has already shared several photos with the actor.
In one of the publications, we can see that the summer have passed together enjoying the earth of Martiño.
However, at the moment, they are quite reserved and we will have to wait some time to see how its relationship evolves.