Victoria Federica de Marichalar and Borbón, La Quinta within the royal family in the succession to the throne of Spain, pronounced its first words in public.
It occurred during the gala dinner of the Display of Hooks of the Fair of Seville of 2019, which each year organizes the Real Club of Engays of Andalusia (RCEA).

Victoria, godmother of the event, has not been able to give the witness to his successor, which in 2020 was going to be Tana Rivera.
The pandemic forced to suspend the exhibition and happened the same last April.
Now, in September, the RCEA returns this appointment, the most important internationally of the hook world.

“This time of pandemic has been very hard. In March 2020 we had everything prepared and we had to suspend,” says Loc Jesús Contreras, President of the RCEA.
The coupling sector has had to survive on his own.
“We have only counted on the help of a banking entity – rules.

The next 24, 25 and 26 the streets of the Andalusian capital will be filled with horse cars and ladies on board wearing traditional blanket.
The first two days will be carried out by avenues and by the María Luisa Park, under the names’ Remember of Prado ‘and Aires of Feria’.

Sunday will be the big day, with the contest and the hook exhibition that is celebrated within the Plaza de la Maestranza.
The Awareness will be at 60% that allows the Andalusian Board for Taurine Events and this year the tickets will be free by invitation.

The cars will come from the board quartering accompanied by the police.
As for the jury, usually formed by national and international judges, on this occasion they will all be more Spaniards plus a prestigious Portuguese, Eduardo Cruz.

Standing the hook exhibition costs about 230,000 euros.
This next edition, the XXXV, will be trimmed.
There will be fewer horse cars, there will be no gala dinner, nor invited country or godmother.
Even so, the budget is about 115,000 euros.

If everything goes well, in April there will be a new edition, and at all high, including the godmother who, if you accept, will be Tana Rivera.
Before she and that Victoria de Marichalar, have exercised as such Paloma Segrelles, Lourdes Montes, Carmen Lomana, Norma Duval, Marina Danko, Fabiola Martínez or the Duchess of Alba.
By Victoria Federica, Contreras affirms that she “she is a lovely and very simple young lady.”
“I think she had a great time and she discovered the affection that Seville has the royal family, which is a lot,” recalls the businessman.

The Andalusian hook club was born in 1984 on the initiative of a group of amateurs to encourage the world of hooking: Antonio Sánchez-Bedoya Fernández-Mensaque, Raimundo Coral Flores, Luis Rivero Merry, Juan Manuel Morales Lupiáñez, Luis Carlos Milan Jiménez and Angelito
‘El Narningero’.
Shortly after they would join José Juan Morales and Jesús Contreras himself, among others.

“When we started, the hook world was practically lost and the horse ride from the fair was a disaster. There were iron cars, tame cars … I even saw a car Seat 600 cut in half. We had to regulate it
, We arrange schedules, the unique sense of the streets, the clothes of the coachmen, that the maintenance of the cars … “, Remember.

In 1987, Don Juan Carlos accepts the presidency of honor and grants the Club the title of Real, at the time when the club was Manuel Prado and Colón de Carvajal.
At present, the RCEA has 545 partners and, in addition, also go to the fairs of Jerez, Málaga, Granada, Córdoba, Al Rocío, to Portugal and, even, to Ibero-America.

Its president tells us some of the world’s ins and outs, such as a horse car can cost between 7,000 and more than 100,000 euros, in addition to the hard maintenance that requires and covers all kinds of professions, from garnicing, painters, designers, upholsters,
tinsels, carpenters, tailors, hatchers, restaurateurs … “From all countries come here. If we did not exist, everything would disappear,” explains Jesus Contreras.

Some outstanding cars could be admired until very well in the already disappeared museum of carriages, in the old convent of the remedies, a 16th century building located on the mulete of the mules, where Magallanes and Elcano began around the world.

“The problem was that the accounts came out, the Covid arrived and we had no choice but to get out of there. There were about 30 carriages and their owners had to take them, but we are looking for a new place in Seville and we will ride it again, because it is
Our illusion and is culture. ”