The light is through the clouds, during various consecutive days, historical records of megawatio have been smooth per hour, that is, we are paying the light more expensive in history.
Also, dispensing this well necessary is not as easy as echoing in a corset, dressing the Edgar Allan Poe and making life with a candil;
Light is necessary to preserve food, cook and communicate (fixed telephones increasingly depend on the Internet).
Also for telecommuting.
Becoming Amish is not an option, so how to consult electric consumption in real time seems the best solution to try to control spending in each home.
It is true that consumption can be physically consulted at the counter, but another of those positive things that brings electric light and progress, is the option of consulting it through the Internet.
Much more comfortable and also allows you to keep a more detailed record with information such as power peaks or annual consumption.
Know your distributor
The most important thing to know your consumption is to know what your distributor is, keep in mind that it does not have to coincide with the company with which you have been hired, that is, the marketing machine.
In Spain there are around 333 distributors and more than 600 marketers.
While the first make electricity to determined areas, in addition to its maintenance, the second ones make intermediaries between the client and distributor.
Consider that calculations have to make them on the web of the distributor and not the marketing machine.
Likewise, although there are more than 300 distributors, most customers belong to one of five larger: Iberdrola, Endesa, Unión Fenosa, E-Networks EDP and Viesgo.
In the following map of Holaluz you can orient you about what your distributor can be, to make sure you are looking for your receipt of light.
The universal supply point code (CUPS) of the largest companies are: Endesa: ES0031, IBERDROLA: ES0021, Union Fenosa: ES0022, Redexis: ES0238, North: ES0229 and Nedgia: ES0230.
In the face of doubt, you can always consult by Telefónica: Endesa Andalusia, Extremadura, Murcia and Castilla La Mancha: 900 85 08 40;
Endesa Aragón, Castilla y León, Navarra, La Rioja and Com.
Valencian: 900 84 89 00;
ENDESA BALEARES: 900 84 99 00;
Endesa Canarias: 900 85 58 85;
ENDESA CATALONIA: 800 76 07 06;
Hydocantábricic Electrical Distribution: 900 907 001;
IBERDROLA: 900 171 171;
Union Fenosa: 900 333 999 and ViesGo: 900 10 10 51.
Smart counters
Another requirements to know electricity consumption in real time, through the Internet, is to have smart counters on the farm or building, since these do send this information immediately.
Ask it physically or in the neighborhood community if you are not sure.
Likewise, you must register on the web of the distributor in your area: IBERDROLA (you need CUPS code, you will find in your receipts, phone number and email), ENDESA (you need Name, Surname, DNI or Passport, Email, Mobile
and address), Union Fenosa (Name, Surname, Identity Document, and Email), ViesGo (You need Identity and Email Document) or E-Networks EDP (CUPS code, identity document, email and mobile).
During the registry, each web will guide you step by step since this process has been designed to be as accessible as possible.
Of course, keep in mind that the data will not be available up to 48 hours after registration, since they have to check the data, such as the identity document.
Save discovering the consumption of some appliances
In each web the data is displayed differently, depending on its interface, but in general a record appears with the hours where there is a greater consumption.
Search the option of ‘Consult the instant power of your counter’ to see what you are consuming at that just moment.
To get an idea of what some appliances consume such as large appliances, try to turn them on and see how it changes the consumption in real time to be able to get an idea.
This information will be very useful to adjust, for example, the ignition of those appliances such as the washing machine, in the time slots in which the megawatt is cheaper, in order to save a bit at the end of the month.
Keep in mind that some things like cooking with the ceramic hob or turning on the oven will not be able to adjust to these time slots unless you are a vampire or have a job schedules that allow it.
Although it is a David against Goliath, this information may be able to help you make some decisions that can promote savings in these times.