IBERIA has transferred the unions their intention to start negotiating a temporary employment regulation (ERTE) file for organizational causes and the possibility that conversations between government and social agents do not result in an extension of the
ERTE of force majeure for the air sector.

According to the airline, the uncertainty about this extension and its conditions, as well as the slowdown in the recovery of travel, have motivated its decision to initiate negotiations with its unions to apply an ERTE for organizational and productive causes.

The company has highlighted that this instrument is necessary to continue adjusting its resources to real capacity and to protect employment.

The airline has reported that it continues at capacity levels between 30% and 35% lower than 2019, year prior to the pandemic, due, mainly, restrictions on tourism with the United States, Latin America, Japan and China.

“Due to the slow recovery of both long radio and connection flights as well as business trips and prohibitions, restrictions and quarantines in many countries that Iberia flies, the airline considers that the extension of the erte
Force greater than the government and social agents are negotiating include the air sector to safeguard the employment of sector workers, “he defends.

In any case, and before your need to continue applying adjustment measures, the company has already reported the unions their intention to negotiate an eRTE for organizational and production causes.

The airline has specified that the talks on this ERTE would begin “without prejudice to the decisions that Iberia may adopt with respect to the ERTE of force majeure,” once the result of the negotiation of social dialogue is known.

Iberia defends that the eRTE of force majeure have been a fundamental tool to safeguard employment in the worst aviation crisis and are those that currently apply to the entire tourism sector in Spain and, at present, those that are being applied as well
in the company.