The attempts of suicide and self-harm in a childish and youth population have increased by 250% because of the pandemic, as has alerted the Official College of the Psychology of Madrid on Thursday, which has asked more means to deal with this “silent epidemic”

The experts who have participated in the presentation of the initiative ‘Talk about … Suicide “, organized from that same school, have claimed public managers with the creation of a national suicide plan, since there are already regional in some communities

They have also requested the start-up of a specialized phone, similar to the one that serves victims of gender violence.

According to the National Institute of Statistics (INE), in 2019 3,671 people were committed suicide in Spain – 2,771 men and 900 women – a figure that, in reality, “should be multiplied by two or three”, since many of the cases of
Suicide is recorded as another type of death, the experts have indicated.

Suicide is the main cause of non-natural death between young people aged 15 to 29, something that had not occurred since data are recorded and that specialists relate to the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“We can not consider synonyms mental disorder and suicide because not all persons who commit suicide have a mental disorder,” the Dean of the Official College of Madrid Psychology, José Antonio Luengo, has warned.

The coordinator of the program, Luis Fernando López, has informed, on the other hand, on the importance of preventive treatment in mental health and has qualified the pandemic as “one of the toughest and most fragile stages of our recent history” in this aspect

In addition, it has considered that this problem should not be treated from an exclusively clinical point of view, but as a phenomenon that also has a social and technological dimension.

During the presentation of the initiative, Roman Reyes has intervened, whose mother was committed suicide in November 2019 after several attempts and income: “If I had something clear from the beginning, it had to say the cause of his death, because if you see the figures
, the probability that you touch is bestial, “explained.

“He went to the hospital and gave him a pill,” Kings complain, who denounces that his mother “would be alive if he had had a network of support and psychological attention.”

“We always take chest with the public health of our country, but the situation of mental health is demented,” Reyes lamented.

Experts have claimed more means to deal with this problem, as they consider that “the ratio of psychologists in the national health system is ridiculous, not only if we compare it with Europe, but with the resources that are necessary,” he said
The Dean of the College of Madrid.