The incidence (IA) of Coronavirus in Spain continues in decline.
This Thursday is placed in the 210,62 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, after lowering 11 points in a day and 66 in a week.
However, we can not relax: Health has confirmed an increase in the number of new contagions, a total of 9,561 (2,743 more than yesterday and 2,446 more than those reported seven days ago).

Nor can a significant drop in mortality can not be seen yet.
In the last 24 hours, 168 deaths have been registered (when yesterday were 132 and a week ago 171).
And, with them, there are already 84,640 deaths confirmed by Coronavirus since the beginning of the pandemic.

The AI continues to decrease at a good pace among young people, who have starred most of the contagion during the fifth wave.
In the age group now most affected, between 12 and 19 years old, 34 points have fallen in the last 24 hours, standing at 398.85.
And in those between 20 and 29, 22 points has fallen, placed at 290.09 (it is already closely placed closely of the group of less than 11 years, whose incidence is 253.09).

By autonomies, the regions with worst data are Melilla (438.70), Ceuta (419.23), Extremadura (413.07) and Basque Country (278.81).
On the contrary, Asturias (86,18), Canaries (130,79), Valencian Community (163,88) and Catalonia (171,71) are those that present more positive figures.

From hospitals, good news is still coming.
The total occupation for Covid patients lowers up to 5.34% (there are 6,288 people admitted, 335 less than Wednesday) and in the intensive care units (UCI), the percentage falls to 16.29% (Wednesday was from
16.63%, with 27 serious ill patients).

Madrid is already the first community in UCI occupation by Covid patients (30.18%).
After it, Catalonia is found (29.13%), Navarra (20.49%) and Aragon (20.27%).
On the opposite side, the most relaxed are Ceuta (5.88%), Murcia (6.26%), Galicia (6.54%) and Asturias (7.05%).
You have to keep in mind that these data only reflect the occupation of beds from Covid patients.
In the UCIs of all territories are also patients from other pathologies and surgeries.

In Europe, the countries most affected by the virus are the United Kingdom (704,4), Ireland (505.0), Switzerland (413.8) and France (373.0).
Countries with the lowest data are Poland (8.3), Czech Republic (25.2), Ukraine (46.9), Romania (54,4) and Italy (148,7).