The National Police has found in a Housing of Albacete the lifeless body of MarĂ­a Isabel de la Rosa Cozar, selling the eleven of which nothing was known from Thursday, August 19, and has arrested a man related to these facts

The government delegation in Castilla-La Mancha has indicated EFE that the investigation continues to clarify these facts that are under Summary’s secret.

The detainee is a man of about 50 years, according to EFE witnesses who have followed the police operation that has been carried out this afternoon-night on Star Street of Albacete.

Many neighbors have gathered at the door of the house where the lifeless body of the eleven sellers has been found, a 44-year-old woman who was being sought by the National Police and by family and friends.

They have also come to housing, where the detainee has come first and then the corpse of women, numerous policemen and the subdelegate of the government in Albacete, Miguel Juan Espinosa.

The disappeared SOS association had launched this past the alarm voice, since nothing was known about this woman since Thursday, August 19, and had spread the poster with its image and data.

The Sale Zone of this woman was the neighborhood of Sur Park and the area of Arquitecto Vandelvira street of Albacete.