At Tuesday’s White House coronavirus briefing, the top infectious disease specialist in the country said that patients with mild-to-moderate symptoms can be kept from becoming so sick that they require hospitalization by administering an injection of antibody drugs. They can also be used to prevent infection in people who have been exposed to an existing infection.

Under emergency authorization from the Food and Drug Administration, three antibody products are made available and they are free of charge thanks to taxpayer support. Fauci claims they are still “a very underutilized intervention”.

The demand for the drug increased fivefold to almost 110,000 doses last month, and the majority of the orders went to states with low vaccination rates. Texas Republican Governor. Greg Abbott was one of the patients who received antibodies.

NEW ORLEANS — Ochsner Health in Louisiana, the largest hospital system, has announced that all employees must be vaccinated against COVID-19.

This announcement was made just days after the Pfizer vaccine was approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The state health department reported 3,814 new cases of coronavirus in the state.

Also Tuesday saw 121 deaths confirmed, and 18 were listed as “probable.” Hospitalizations increased by 18 to 2,856.

Warner Thomas, Ochsner CEO, stated that “this policy is the right thing” to protect employees, their families and patients.

Ochsner Health is a New Orleans-based company that says 69% of its employees have been vaccinated.


JERUSALEM — Palestinian health officials claim that they have received 500,000 doses coronavirus vaccine from the United States via the COVAX Initiative, a global vaccine sharing initiative that distributes vaccines to the poorer countries.

Tuesday’s arrival of the Moderna vaccines at a Palestinian health ministry facility was a great relief. 300,000 of them were reserved for vaccinations of Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. 200,000 were sent to Gaza Strip.

According to figures from the health ministry, at least 729,000 Palestinians have received one dose of coronavirus vaccine in West Bank and Gaza Strip. More than 442,000 have received two doses.

The Palestinian Authority has been trying to get its vaccine supplies secured, largely through the U.N.-backed COVAX program. Comparable to Israel, which has fully vaccinated over 5.5 million of its 9.3million residents, vaccinations are still a long way behind.


LANSING (Mich.) — A Michigan policy that required masks to be worn by young children earlier in the pandemic has led to a Catholic school in Lansing losing its appeal.

Although the statewide mandate has ended, some counties have taken the initiative and will require masks in schools starting in 2021-22.

Resurrection School sued some parents in 2020, claiming that a state order for the use of a mask violated free exercise and other objections. However, a judge refused to intervene and issued an injunction.

The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed Monday that decision.

U.S. District Judge Paul Maloney concluded “correctly that since the requirement to cover the face applied to students in grades K-5 at both non-religious and religious schools, it was neutral as well as of general applicability.”

Attorney General Dana Nessel, who represented the department that defended the policy, applauded the decision.


O’FALLON (Mo. The Missouri State Fair in Sedalia attracted an estimated 300,000 visitors over the 10-day period ending Sunday. However, only 53 people used the on-site COVID-19 vaccination clinic, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

At the fair, masks were not permitted. Due to the pandemic, the fair was cancelled in 2020.

JoAnn Martin, Pettis County Health Administrator, told the Post-Dispatch that she would love to have vaccinated 1,000 more people. “But we’re glad we made it.”


ATLANTA — Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced Tuesday that more than 100 National Guard personnel will be deployed to Georgia’s 20 hospitals to address the state’s recent surge in COVID-19 cases. Brian Kemp made the announcement TuesdayN.

Kemp stated in a statement that the 105 Guardsmen and Women with medical training will assist staff in hospitals in Atlanta, Macon and Savannah, Brunswick and Albany, as well as other locations throughout the state.

Kemp stated that the guardsmen would be a great help to our frontline healthcare workers, as they will provide quality medical care during this current increase in hospitalizations. He also expressed gratitude for General Carden’s willingness to respond again to our call in the fight against COVID-19.

Kemp stated that the Georgia Emergency Management Agency (the Guard) and the Department of Community Health are collaborating with the Guard in this effort.


NEW YORK — COVID-19 deaths and hospitalizations continue to be more common among unvaccinated individuals than in those who have had their shots.

It also shows that fully vaccinated individuals account for a higher percentage of hospitalizations or deaths than in previous reports.

Los Angeles County health officials reviewed approximately 43,000 coronavirus cases among residents aged 16 or older that were reported in May June and July. About 25% of the people vaccinated were complete, according to them.

The report concluded that infections were more frequent and more severe among unvaccinated individuals. Unvaccinated people were almost five times more likely than others to become infected, and 29 times more likely that they would be admitted to hospital.

The report found that approximately 12% of infected persons were admitted to hospital and that about 12% of those who died were fully vaccinated.

According to the CDC’s Tuesday release of the L.A. County Report, fully vaccinated persons who die from infection were more likely to be elderly and frailer than those who had not been vaccinated. The median age of vaccinated persons who died was 78, while it was 63 for unvaccinated. One quarter of all 24 fully vaccinated persons who died had a weakened immune system.

Federal officials stated last month that only 3% of patients admitted to hospitals and less than 1% of all deaths had been vaccinated. Officials from the CDC noted that Americans are becoming more vaccinated, so they expect to see an increase in infections.


LITTLE ROCK (Ark. As the number of coronavirus cases in Arkansas continues to rise, Arkansas has no beds in an ICU for COVID-19 patients. Gov. Asa Hutchinson made the announcement Tuesday.

Hutchinson claims that it is the first time in history since the coronavirus epidemic began that there have been no ICU beds available for COVID-19 sufferers. About half of all ICU beds in the state are occupied by virus patients. On Monday, the state saw a record number of virus patients admitted to ICUs and ventilators.

Hutchinson stated at a news conference that “everyone should be aware of the strain it puts on our hospitals, the need for our vaccinations, and how crucial our bed space are.”

Hutchinson said that hospitals throughout the state were trying to provide more ICU beds for patients with virus infections.


TEL AVIV (Israel) — Israel’s daily coronavirus cases are close to the January record.

The government reported Tuesday that 9,831 cases were registered one day earlier. This is the highest number since mid-January, when the record for 10,000 cases was broken.

This is significant because over 5.5 million Israelis have had two doses of vaccines, making it one of the fastest vaccination drives around the globe. The delta variant has triggered a surge in infections, and new restrictions, in recent weeks. A third jab has been administered to nearly 1.6 million people.


NAIROBI (Kenya) — Given the knowledge about COVID-19, the director of Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns that “we may never achieve herd immunity”.

John Nkengasong spoke Tuesday to African health ministers about the infections that can occur despite vaccinations. The Africa CDC has set a goal to vaccinate 60%, or 30%, of its 1.3 billion inhabitants by the end of this year.

The more dangerous delta variant of the pandemic is causing a resurgence of cases, forcing governments all over the globe to reconsider locking down and taking other measures. Pandemic efforts have been complicated by the slow and infrequent supply of vaccines to African countries, while wealther nations have access to more vaccines.

For months, the Africa CDC director has warned against COVID-19 becoming endemic in a continent that is home to some of the most poorly-equipped health systems in the world.


PORTLAND, Maine — An independent senator Sen. Angus King’s spokesperson says that the senator is feeling better after he has recovered from the coronavirus.

August 19th, King, 77 years old, announced that he had tested positive to the coronavirus. King had been vaccinated earlier in the year for the disease.

Matthew Felling, a spokesperson, said Tuesday that King was “feeling better and is currently quarantining and resting at his home, as per doctor’s orders.”

According to Maine health officials, 95% of residents in their 70s were fully vaccinated against coronavirus. Over 70% of eligible state residents are fully vaccinated.

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, Maine CDC has recorded more than 74,000 cases and 924 deaths.


TOPEKA (Kansas) — Those who are against Kansas county’s mask requirements or restrictions to public gatherings can challenge them in court. A ruling will be made within 10 days.

This is the result of Tuesday’s decision by the state Supreme Court. The court said the state for now can enforce a COVID-19-inspired law enacted in March by the Republican-controlled Legislature to restrict the power of Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly and county officials during an emergency.

Johnson County judge declared that the law was in violation of the state constitution last month. But, GOP state Attorney General Derek Schmidt appealed. During its appeal, the Supreme Court blocks the order of the county judge.


NEW ORLEANS — To be allowed to play in a Louisiana State University football match this fall, you will need proof of vaccination against COVID-19.

The Baton Rouge requirement was announced Tuesday, just days after the Food and Drug Administration approved the Pfizer vaccine. LSU announced that all Tiger Stadium guests aged 12 and over will have to show proof of vaccination or submit a negative COVID-19PCR test within 72 hours.

Students at Louisiana State University have until September 10th to either submit proof of their first vaccination or to file paperwork to opt-out of the vaccine requirement. Louisiana law allows students to submit a physician’s note or “written dissent” form stating that they are unable to get the vaccine.

LSU students can submit proof of complete vaccination up to Oct. 15, 2015.


COLUMBIA (S.C.) — The American Civil Liberties Union filed a federal lawsuit against a South Carolina law banning school districts from imposing mask mandates.

According to the lawsuit, the ban effectively excludes students who are vulnerable from public schools. It also disproportionately affects students with underlying medical conditions or disabilities. Students at high risk of falling ill if they contract COVID-19.

According to the CDC, everyone should wear masks indoors in schools, regardless of their vaccination status. Public health officials have asked the governor and legislators for an exemption from the mask ban.

South Carolina legislators included in their general budget a provision that prohibited school districts from using state funds to order masks in schools. Governor Henry McMaster stated that parents should be able to decide whether their children will wear masks at school.

Public schools are not allowed to exclude students with disabilities from school or separate them unnecessarily. This is according to the Rehabilitation Act and the ADA. Schools must also make reasonable modifications so that students with disabilities can fully participate in school.


ORLANDO (Fla.) — To keep their jobs at Walt Disney World, union workers will need to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

Monday’s agreement was reached with a union coalition shortly after Pfizer received full Food and Drug Administration approval. The workers must show proof of vaccination by October 22 in order to be eligible for employment. However, employees can request exemptions for religious or medical reasons.

According to the Service Trades Council Union, any employee who fails to comply and does not request an exemption will be “separated” from the company with a “yes” rehire status. The coalition was able to cover approximately 43,000 of the 77,000 Disney World workers before the pandemic.

Disney last month announced that all salaried and hourly employees, non-union, would need to be vaccinated within 60 days. All employees working remotely were also required to present proof of vaccination prior to returning to work.


THE HAGUE (Netherlands) — A new site has been approved by the European Union’s drug regulator for COVID-19 vaccines. This will increase production in the EU to nearly half a million shots.

Tuesday’s approval by the European Medicines Agency’s Human Medicines Committee of a new site in Saint Remy Sur Avre, France was granted. This additional facility is expected to produce 51 million additional doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine this year.

Delpharm manages the French manufacturing site. Delpharm also operates the French manufacturing site. This agency approved a new manufacturing line at BioNTech’s Marburg location, which will increase capacity by around 410 million doses.

Additionally, the EMA approved a second manufacturing facility for Moderna in Bloomington (Indiana).


WASHINGTON — Doctor Anthony Fauci said that he hopes for an increase in COVID-19 vaccine administration following approval by the U.S. government of the Pfizer vaccine.

According to the top infectious disease expert in America, the Food and Drug Administration’s Monday decision should be encouraging people who have cited the lack of approval as a reason not to get vaccinated. Pfizer shots were previously approved by the FDA for emergency use.

Fauci stated on NBC’s Today Show that FDA approval would increase enthusiasm for mandated vaccines from workplaces, colleges, universities, and military. It will increase U.S. vaccinations, he says.

Fauci said that the FDA decision allows Pfizer to market the vaccine. According to government data, just half of the U.S. population is still unvaccinated.