What if we went out to the theatre? With the return of sunny days in spring, it’s the perfect time to do a cultural activity with family, as a couple or with friends. The opportunity for our readers to go see the shows of several artists who play on stage in their region. Ask for the program!

Among the headliners, Jean-Luc Reichmann is currently playing in Le Bracelet at the Théâtre des Nouveautés in Paris. In this play by and with Isabelle Mergault, the host of 12 coups de midi plays André, an ex-inmate who returns home with an electronic bracelet on his ankle. And his return is not unanimous among those close to him.

A hilarious and tasty comedy that is a hit with the audience. Enough to delight the hero of the series Léo Mattei. “All weekend at the theater, so completely full up to the henhouse!”, he rejoiced on April 14, with a photo to support it, on his Instagram page. If you haven’t yet bought your ticket, you have until May 5 to come and applaud him.

Another star is also causing a sensation in the capital: Amanda Lear. The actress and muse of the painter Salvador Dali is the heroine of L’Argent de la Vieille, on the stage of the Théâtre libre in Paris until April 21. “They are all awful, dirty and mean in the play, it’s fun to play. I’m an old woman, yes, it’s an old woman’s role, that doesn’t pose a problem for me”, explains to Le Parisien the one who is appeared in the second opus of the film Retirement Home.

The opportunity for the star to talk about his work in the shoes of this whimsical character. “She’s really very naughty, which will make the audience laugh,” jokes the one who is never short of juicy secrets. “I like being back on stage. It’s tiring, you have to concentrate, learn by heart, carry your voice, but all that fills your life. Rather than staying at home watching Rex’ or ‘Colombo ‘, what old people do, that keeps me busy…”.

Other actors travel the roads of France to perform their plays. Michel Leeb and Francis Huster in Les Pigeons, Les Franglaises or even Roman Doduik (current semi-finalist on TF1 for Dancing with the Stars): who is on tour in April? Planet offers you a selection of images in the slideshow.