The Court of Instruction Number 15 of Madrid, in charge of the investigation of the ‘Plus Ultra’ case, has asked the Prosecutor’s Office, the State Advocacy, to VOX and those investigated in the procedure that pronounce on the proposal of the PP of
“Agree the constitution of a furniture mortgage on the aircraft or aircraft that could have in its asset” the airline.

In a providence of August 18, advanced by Vozpópuli and the one that has had Europe Press, the Judge Antonio Serrano-Arnal – in guard functions before the absence of Judge Hope Collazos – has given transfer to the parties so that
Present your allegations within 10 days.

The Popular Party, which exerts popular accusation in the case, presented written before the court on August 11 to request, as a precautionary measure, that a furniture mortgage on the Plus Ultra aircraft was remembered in order to avoid patrimonial damage
to the State.
Because of this, the judge has considered relevant to consult the rest of the parts in the procedure.

The resolution takes place after last August 9, the James James Jaime Serret, agreed to unlock the payment of 34 million euros that corresponded to the second stretch of the rescue to Plus Ultra.
The decision was appealed by VOX, which also exercises as a popular accusation.

The judge considered that the suspension of the surrender of the participatory loan could “suppose the risk of definitive insolvency” of the airline, which would force it to stop operating and would create “a prejudice to passengers who have paid in advance”.

On that occasion, the Court assured that although “there has not been any damage to the Administration”, the “hypothesis of having delivered these loans to a companies in crisis without any possibility” of returning the acquired amounts has been produced.

He also pointed out that for now “there are no objective signs” of the crime of fraud in obtaining public aid or couchecho or influence trafficking, “except the allegations of popular accusations.”