The Extension of the PSOE and Expresident of Red Electric (Re), Jordi Sevilla, has praised the last United States proposal on Tuesday, we have rated it as “a good base” to “change the rules of the electric market and lower the prices”,
According to Bursor Europa Press.

“Against the resignation of some, you can do concrete things to change the rules of the market and lower the prices,” he has asserted in a message published on his Twitter account collected by Europe Press.

Next, Seville points out that “the proposal of we can” is “a good base”.
“Let’s see if Moncloa takes the reins of the matter,” completes the Minister of Public Administrations with José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero and who was later responsible for today President Pedro Sánchez, and then occupy the presidency of the operator of the electrical system.

United we can report on Monday that he had moved to his partner in the coalition government, the PSOE, and the Vice President for the Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera, competent in terms of energy, a proposal to urgently compare the receipt through a
Decree law.

Specifically, the Group proposes the fixation of a fixed price for nuclear energy and a maximum price for hydroelectric power, technologies with a cheaper generation capacity, so they obtain higher profit margins in the electricity market.