The Spaniards are saving part of the summer of hoteliers.
Specifically, in July, overnight stays over hotels they had done in 2019, before the pandemic, with 0.4% more.
The average turnover, in addition, rose 15.5%, according to the hotel conjuncture data published today by the INE.

That national demand was going to throw tourism this summer is something that the sector already expected.
The month of July of this second summer of pandemic is already more than 2019, although the number of hotel nights carried out is still 38% below the time.

They are, however, by 120% than those of 2020 (with 17% more open hotels), when we had just come out of confinement.

The stays of travelers residing in Spain, which are 56.6% of the total, increase 97.4% compared to last year.
For its part, those of foreigners up 175.0%.

By zones, the coast of the Light of Cádiz is the one that reaches the highest degree of occupation for places (71.0%), together with the coast of Valencia (77.3%) and the island of Mallorca, with more
of four million overnight stays.

This greater demand is translated into higher prices.
The hotel price index is 8.8% in July, 16 points above the same month of 2020, and the average daily turnover of each occupied room is 102.9 euros in July, 15.5% more

The average daily income per available room reaches 57.2 euros, with a rise of 68.0%.

What is still to be recovered is foreign tourism, which is far from reaching the levels.
According to data published today by Turespaña, arrivals of international passengers to airportsAlganized 4.4 million people in July, more than double a year ago.

The figure represents 41.8% of the arrivals recorded in the same month of 2019, last year that can be considered normal.