There are many autonomous communities that have hardened their restrictions against Coronavirus by imposing the curfew, closing the nightlife or imposing the Covid Certificate indoors.
Some measures that are not always clear at a time, do not travel through Spain are usual.
We detail the COVID restrictions of each community.

The Contentious-Administrative Room of the Superior Court of Justice of Andalusia (Tsja) has extended until August 27, the curfew that limits the movement at night (between 2:00 and 7:00 p.m.) in several Andalusian municipalities: Bailén
(Jaén), Benalup-houses Viejas (Cádiz), Bonares and Trigueros (Huelva), Villaverde del Río (Seville) and the extension of the measures taken in the Sevillian municipalities of El Cuervo and Bacina and the Jiennense town of Mengibar.

What is not going to take effect at the moment is the Covid certificate.
The Contentious-Administrative Room of the Tsja, based in Granada, has agreed through a self denial the judicial ratification of the extent that limited access to the interior of recreational and hospitality establishments with music to those people who can
Accredit being in possession of the Covid certificate or PCR accreditation or negative antigen test in the last 72 hours.

The Chamber understands that the measure of implanting the Covid passport to access the bars of cups and nightclubs can affect fundamental rights such as the right to personal privacy and the principle of non-discrimination, so it considers that “it is not suitable or adequate
“For the purposes you intend.

After two weeks with curfew in several locations, Aragón no longer has a curfew in any municipality of the community.

Night leisure establishments in Aragon can open up to 00.30;
Also until 00.30 hours will be bars and restaurants.
In the interiors of the premises, the capacity is 50%, with a maximum of six people per table and on terraces the capacity is 100%, with a maximum of ten people per table.

Throughout the territory, a maximum of 10 people is established, both in public and private spaces.

The High Court of Justice of Asturias (Tsa) rejected the curfew between 1 and 6 in the morning in those municipalities at extreme risk situation by Covid-19.
Thus, in the community there is no movement limitation at night time.

In municipalities at higher risk (4+), meetings are limited to six people indoors and ten outdoors.

The hospitality can open up to 01.00 hours with a maximum of six people per table indoors and ten on terrace, but can not be consumed in bar.

Asturias has closed the interior of the nightlife until, at least, on September 6.
In addition, the sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited both in gas stations and in retailers from 10 pm to 06.00.
Measures in force until August 9.

Balearics banned in July the social gatherings both indoors and outdoors from non-cohabitation people between 01.00 and 06.00 hours on all the less formente islands.

Likewise, since August 14 it establishes as mandatory the Covid certificate to enter into sporting and / or cultural events.

In addition, he advances at one in the morning the closure of bars and restaurants (so far was at two).
The maximum occupancy of the tables will be four people inside and eight abroad.

In Formentera: Interior of 50% bars and restaurants with six people per table and 100% terraces with 12 customers per table.

The restrictions in the Canary Islands differ from one island to another depending on the alert level and determine the number of people who can meet or the closing hours of the hospitality.

The Canarian government had announced that it would require the Covid certificate to access the interior of bars, restaurants, sports centers and places where cultural activities are carried out.
However, the TSJC has rejected the measure.

Regarding the nightlife, it is allowed until 02.00 hours, but only on the islands at level 1 alert.

On the other hand, Spanish citizens who do not have full vaccination must present a PCR or antigen test with a negative result when reaching the islands.

Cantabria, who has been with several weeks with curfew, has announced that he will not ask the Superior Court of Justice from the region to continue extended.
Thus, this measure has ended August 20.
The limitation of meetings at night is also annulled.

The community, which is at level 2 alert, has closed nightlife establishments and the hospitality and restoration, which can open up to 1, maintain a 33% capacity inside, with a maximum of six people by
In terraces, the capacity increases up to 75% and is maintained a maximum of six people per meeting.

Barra consumption or standing is prohibited in the establishment establishments, which have the 75% capacity with a maximum of ten people per table and the closure at 1.30 in the morning, with admission of clients up to half an hour before.

The interior of nightclubs and party hallways is closed, where bar consumption and dance tracks were already prohibited, and can only open those that have terraces, with the same restrictions as those of the rest of the hotel.

Currently, night leisure opens up to 03.00 in the morning with 100% capacity outdoors and 75% in indoor.
Outdoor dance is allowed, provided the interpersonal distance is respected.

Meanwhile, hospitality and restoration establishments can open up to 02.00 hours, with the same ashes as nightlife.

The Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) has not accepted the changes proposed by the Generalitat to maintain the extension of the curfew from 1 to 6 hours in the municipalities with an incidence of Covid of more than 125 cases per 100,000 inhabitants and
It only authorizes it for the 19 localities most affected by the virus with a rate of 250 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.
The Generalitat proposed limiting mobility for 148 municipalities with a population higher than 5,000 inhabitants.

In this way, this restriction of nocturnal mobilidad will remain a week more in Alcarràs, Amposta, Arenys de Munt, Badia del Vallès, Balaguer, Banyoles, Calafell, Celrà, Cervelló, Gelida, Manlleu, Martorell, Montblanc, Móra d’Ebre,
Palafolls, Salt, Sant Feliu de Guíxols, Sarrià de Ter and Torroella de Montgrí.
PORSO, BARCELONA AND SU Metropolitan area, the most populated municipalities, which may be restriction.

However, the Catalan government, who fears the proliferation of night agglomerations and bottles, has tried again that the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) authorizes the curfew, this time for Barcelona and another 61 Catalan municipalities of more
of 20,000 inhabitants with more than 125 cases per 100,000 people in seven days.

The Court considers that the request of the Generalitat to apply the curfew to 148 municipalities was for reasons of security and public order and non-health.
Therefore, it emphasizes that limiting night mobility would involve a restriction of fundamental rights and freedoms.
However, the Court maintains the limitation of 10 people in family and social meetings and 70% of the capacity in religious acts throughout the Catalan territory.

The Valencian Community has extended all the restrictions in force due to the situation derived from Coronavirus, including limitation to night mobility in 68 municipalities from more than 5,000 inhabitants between 01.00 and 06.00 hours, authorized this Friday by the Superior Court of Justice of
The Valencian Community (TSJCV).

The measures will be active from August 17 to September 6.
The restriction on nocturnal mobility will affect half the population of the Valencian Community, specifically 2.6 million people.

The Generalitat has extended all current restrictions at present and only introduces two unique modifications.
On the one hand, the limitation of a meeting of a maximum of 10 people will only be applied in the municipalities affected by the ‘touch of remote’ and, on the other hand, the capacity for events in open spaces increases from 3,000 to 4,000 people.

Currently, in the Community of Madrid, the interiors of the premises and night leisure remain open with 50% of indoor capacity and 75% outdoors.
The client limit per table is eight on terraces and six inside.

Pubs and nightclubs can open up to 03.00 hours and the rest of the hospitality until 01.00.

The Official Journal of Extremadura (DOE) published a resolution on Saturday with the agreement of the Governing Council stating the level of sanitary alert 2 in the region.
Among the measures is the prohibition of social gatherings of more than six people and the closure of nightlife at two o’clock in the morning.

The community has announced that it will impose the perimeter closure in the locations of more than 15,000 inhabitants who need it to stop the propagation of the virus.

The Superior Court of Justice of Galicia took less than 24 hours to rule on the employment of the “Covid passport” to access the interior of local hotels and, in line with what happened in Andalusia, Cantabria and Canarias, denied its use for that purpose.

Since this Saturday, August 21, only two cities, A Coruña and Vigo, are at the high level of restrictions, as well as another 31 municipalities.
The capacity of the terraces has increased from 50% to 75%, while staying at 30% indoors.
Regarding the nightlife, it remains closed inside, while also increases up to 75% its outdoor capacity.

The municipalities at a mid-risk level are 75 (including Santiago, Ourense, Pontevedra, Lugo and Ferrol).
In these locations the indoor capacity is maintained at 50% in the hospitality and up to 100% on the terraces.
The nightlife, on the other hand, passes from 30% to 50% indoors and 75% on terraces.

La Rioja continues at level 2 of the measures plan according to indicators, known as ‘traffic light’.
Thus, the region will not have the remaining touches or perimeter confines.

It is recommended that meetings do not exceed six people both indoors and outdoor.
In the Hospitality the capacity is limited to 75% and six people per table.

The sale of alcohol is prohibited in La Rioja from 10:00 pm in shops, but the hospitality and restoration can serve until 02.00 in the morning, time when the closure is established.

The Superior Court of Justice of the Region of Murcia has ratified the prohibition of non-cohabid meetings from 2 to 6 in the morning and has extended the maximum limit of 10 people for groups for the rest of the day.

The Covid Monitoring Committee of the Region of Murcia decreed a few days ago the suspension of night leisure in interior spaces, that is, those with a bar license of cups, karaoke, pubs and the like.

In the case of hospitality and restoration, the maximum capacity within the establishments is 30% and for celebrations can meet a maximum of 30 people indoors and 60 outdoors.

The Forum Government of Navarra has asked the Superior Court of Justice to renew a more week the curfew, until August 26 included.
With this measure, nocturnal mobility will remain limited between 1.00 and 6.00 hours if the court allows it.

The curfew of Navarra affects the municipalities that present a high incidence of Covid-19, although it is restricted at the weekend and holidays.
It also affects, in this case on any day of the week, at localities with high risk and that they should be celebrating their employer parties, suspended this year by the Covid.

In Navarra, night leisure and the hospitality must close at 1 in the morning.

The Government of Basque Country has expressly prohibited “bottles” and “non-parties”.
Moreover: Although they have not requested the curfew, as of Friday, July 16 prohibits that groups of “non-cohabitants” meet in public space during the night, specifically, between midnight and 6 in the morning.

Commercial establishments and hospitality can remain open until 1:00 pm, with a capacity inside 35%.
The nightlife remains closed.

Since July 23, it is also mandatory to bring the mask down the street into transitated urban environments.
However, on Tuesday the Administrative Contentious Hall of the Top Justice Court of the Basque Country (TSJPV) has annulled the obligation to use marks in scrolls and rides on beaches and swimming pools, if a meter and a half distance is saved.
The measures will be extended at least until the end of August.

The Government of Ceuta has agreed to limit the hospitality schedules and nightlife as well as close the beaches and an esplanade of the city at night due to the propagation of the Coronavirus.

The official city bulletin (Bocce) has published an extraordinary edition on Wednesday with the new measures, which will take effect at 00:00 on July 28 and will be valid for fifteen days.

In this document it is further indicated that restoration establishments will limit the 50% occupation of the authorized capacity at most, for consumption within the establishment, and the maximum capacity that has authorized for normal operation abroad (terraces).

Melilla allows 50% capacity inside the hospitality with six diners per table.
Outside the capacity is 100% with eight diners.

Melilla will demand the Covid certificate in mid-August to enter or make use of municipal sports facilities, or participate in cultural events or celebrations as concerts, auditoriums or theater, as well as for any recreational activity that implies agglomeration of people.

The presentation of the Covid certificate will also be required to enter Melilla, both by air and maritime, from principle