The Bank of Spain has warned banking clients that they should review in detail the conditions required by banks in their payroll colleagation campaigns, through which entities are willing to pay users by domiving their payroll.

In a bank portal publication, the supervisor explains to users that banks want to have faithful clients who remain with them for many years, as in any other business.

Due to the large number of entities and offers, entities focus an important part of their efforts to attract customers, carrying out actions such as payroll catchment campaigns.

As explained by the Bank of Spain, the payroll is “an entrance door”, because when opening an account and domicilizes a payroll, it is likely that the client also domives his receipts in it and hires other products, which leads to banks to
Strive to capture these payrolls and offer money or a gift in exchange for domiciliation.

The Bank of Spain has warned that customers, upon receiving an offer of this type, should review all the conditions in detail, because the Bank is likely to demand a permanence in exchange for a permanence that, in case of breaking, will involve a
Penalty that will normally vary depending on the deadline, the payroll has been maintained.

The Agency recommends that their decision to change the bank account should not be based exclusively on the gift that the payroll is from home, since this gift is only part of the offer of the entity, which must be evaluated in its

“Check the rest of the conditions, such as possible account commissions, commissions for associated services (transfers), card commission.

The fact that a bank offers you more than any other for domiciling the payroll does not mean that your offer, as a whole, is the best, not because it is not the cheapest, but because, maybe, do not be the best
It is adapted to your needs, “advises the Bank of Spain.