The police have evacuated at the dawn of this Wednesday an illegal party that was held inside a house in the Zaragozano neighborhood of Casablanca, a party whose organizer gave positive for Covid a week ago and should be quarantined.

On the 3.20 hours of this Wednesday a call has been received in the CIMACC-091 in which the owner of a property stated that he had been warned by neighbors, since a party was celebrated at his house and there should not be

Immediately several endowments were directed to the place, checking that inside there was a large group of people who exceeded the maximum contemplated by the current regulations, without mask and without saving the safety distances.

For this reason, the appearance was requested at the access door of the organizer of the event, who tried to avoid his responsibility by showing the agents of another person’s DNI, although immediately he could be verified that it was a relative of the legitimate owner, who was
He would have accessed the house without his permission, as reported by the Higher Police Headquarters in Aragon.

The circumstance is given that the organizer of the party, and family member of the owner, should be isolated at another address, since apparently last week he was diagnosed positive for Covid.
Through the CIMACC-091, the owner was contacted again, who explicitly authorized the acting police access to the housing to be able to evict the party.

During the eviction, 13 people were identified, aged between 20 and 30 years of age, who have been proposed for sanction due to non-compliance with the health measures established by the competent authority.