The voltage between Vox and PP, far from calming, is still ascending phase.
At the moment, the spotlights were in Ceuta and Andalusia.
But since yesterday, they have also moved to Madrid, where it was presumed that the relations between both formations were more railway.

The insinuation of the President of the Community, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, who could consider the possibility of implanting the Covid passport, immediately aroused a hard warning from the vox leader, Santiago Abascal.

Díaz Ayuso was favorable to analyze the possibility of implanting the requirement of having the Covid certificate to be able to access certain public spaces, such as bars and restaurants.
However, he ruled out that it is a measure that is going to be applied imminently.

“I believe that this, as soon as we pass from a percentage of vaccinates that we have not yet arrived, we will have to study it again,” said the regional leader.
“It would be necessary to start studying which persons being negative and, above all, those who are vaccinated begin to have a certain normal life,” she said.

From Vox, its President Santiago Abascal, via Twitter, was blunt: “Notice for navigators in turbulent waters. If Ayuso takes the course of Feijoó, Juanma Moreno and Sánchez will meet Vox in front, even in the courts. We will not allow more
Vulnerations, discrimination and abuses to the fundamental rights of the Spaniards “.

And the regional president, by the same route in social networks, answered him: “It seems very good to me, but the proposal that I have not even thrown at all has to do with prohibit. A defense of the freedom of citizens little can be demanded
or teach a greeting “.

VOX has been positioned from the Minute one against a Covid passport by understanding that rights constitutions are violated and affects the privacy of the Spaniards.

Already after the announcement that the Andalusian government of the popular Juanma Moreno was also going to apply it, Vox’s response was also clear: “It is a savage that violates the rights of citizens. Juanma Moreno already imitates the tumblers of Sánchez.”

Both in Madrid and in Andalusia VOX support is essential for both governments to continue taking out the projects.

But the poison of the agreement of the Assembly of Ceuta who declared person Non Grata to Santiago Abascal with the consent of the PP continues to impregnate the relations between both formations.

VOX tried to put an end to this controversy presenting a proposal in the ceuty assembly to withdraw the initiative against Abascal.
But again, the vote of the PP prevented it from being debated before the holiday period and was postponed until September, so Abascal remains considered a Non Grata person at the Assembly of Ceuta.

Since then, the tension between both formations has been growing.
The most committed situation was drawn in Andalusia, where Vox has claiming early elections since the Murcia crisis broke out.
But the remoteness between the Andalusian executive and the Abascal game does not seem to be minored, rather on the contrary.
VOX has put a date on your answer: September.
If in that month there is no rectification in Ceuta and if the Andalusian budget project is not contemplated “the imprint” of VOX in terms of gender and immigration fundamentally, and in the reduction of what they qualify as “chiringuitos”,
It is more than likely that it does not support autonomous budgets.

But last week, Vice President Juan Marín (citizens) made it clear that the autonomous executive always has the key to extend the last approved.

There were few voices in the PP that pointed out that from Vox “leaves a lantern”, “a lot of threat in networks but little step seriously”.
They submitted seriousness to the steps that Abascal’s formation was putting on the table.
From VOX you insist: nothing from lantern.
They have crossed red lines and have to rectify.