The National Geographical Institute (IGN) has detected from 10 pm from this Tuesday and until 5.32 (local Canarian time) today a total of 30 small earthquakes inside the Cañadas del Teide, of which 14 have been located mainly
Southwest of Old Peak and Northeast Guide of Isora.

The magnitudes of the earthquakes are between 0.6 and 1.9 (MBLG) and the depths between 8 and 23 kilometers, has reported the IGN on a note.

The seismic activity of the last hours is located in an area with a numerous microsismic activity detected and locally located, does not impose any risk for the population and is within the parameters of normality in active volcanic areas, such as the island of Tenerife
, precise the IGN.

In fact, over the month of June, a total of 182 earthquakes have been located in the area of the Canary Islands, with a maximum magnitude of 3.3 MBLG for the earthquake that occurred day 12, 10 kilometers deep, with
Epicentro located about 150 kilometers northwest of the island of Lanzarote.

On the 28th, an earthquake was located west of the island of Fuerteventura, about 35 kilometers from the coast, with magnitude 2.4 MBLG and depth of 4 kilometers, which was felt with intensity II (EMS98) in the town Majorera de Pájara

Among the islands of Gran Canaria and Fuerteventura, during that month, another 5 earthquakes of less magnitude were located, with a scattered epicentral distribution.

Among the islands of Gran Canaria and Tenerife has continued the activity, with 57 localized earthquakes, at depth between 1 and 35 kilometers and magnitudes between 0.3 and 2.1 MBLG.

Inside the island of Tenerife has continued seismic activity, mainly in the areas close to ICOD of wines, Vilaflor, Old Teide-Peak and Isora Guide, with a total of 40 earthquakes located between magnitudes -0.1 and
1.6 MBLG and depths between 1 and 28 kilometers.

In the area of El Iron Island, 20 earthquakes were located in June 20 among magnitudes 1.4 and 2.5 MBLG and depths between 5 and 37 kilometers.

Nine of these earthquakes occurred on the night of the 10th, with magnitudes between 1.9 and 2.5 MBLG, depths between 32 and 37 kilometers and epicenter west of ORCHILLA.

You do not take news that these earthquakes have been felt by the population of the island.

In La Palma, 39 earthquakes have been located with magnitudes between 1.0 and 2.2 MBLG and depths between 3 and 37 kilometers.

On day 25, a seismic series was initiated, located south of the island, in the Old Summit area, with 320 detected earthquakes and 37 located with magnitudes between 1.1 and 2.2 MBLG and depths between 18 and 37 kilometers.

This series ended on the 27th and has the same characteristics as the remaining ones that have been located in the area since October 2007.

The results obtained from the observations made by the GNSS permanent stations of the Volcanic Surveillance Network of the Canary Islands and through the InSAR processing do not show any significant deformation that can be associated with volcanic activity.

Data from the Network of Volcanomagnetic Stations of Canarias also also show changes associated with relevant variations in the state of volcanic systems.