Cardinal Juan José omella, president of the Spanish Episcopal Conference and Archbishop of Barcelona, has met Tuesday with the Minister of Presidency, Felix Bolaños, in a meeting that served for the representative of the Church to raise issues to the Government.

As explained by sources close to attendees, during the meeting, Omella raised the minister to “expand the borders of dialogue”.
The Cardinal defended that in the affairs of “common” the dialogue should not limit the agreement between politicians, but must be expanded to civil society.

The sources consulted by the world put as an example that in matters of education you should not close dialogue to the parties and reach an agreement between them, but should be heard and taken note of affected sectors, such as teachers or parents.

In the same way in the “affairs of life”, in which it should be talked about with families and with doctors, they pointed out the same sources, which did not specify that the recent law of euthanasia in the meeting was directly addressed.

In addition, the Archbishop defended the need to “send a hand” and “send vaccines” to poor countries.
He enters within the social doctrine of the Church, which considers it essential to help those who need it most to deal with a pandemic that even developed countries are suffering with all their crudeness.

The meeting was prolonged for an hour.
Although it was considered that it was a “greeting” of the Minister to the sectors with whom he will work, this meeting with Omella allowed some specific points to put on the table, such as the aforementioned.

According to the Episcopal Conference, the meeting is framed among those who are having the new minister with the institutions of his area.
The meeting was held in an environment of “cordiality and closeness”, according to the note facilitated by the Episcopal Conference.

In addition, the Government and the Spanish Episcopal Conference shall resume as of September the situation of immature goods by the Catholic Church, the Tax Regime and the Pia Work of Rome.

Minister Bolaños has valued “the role of responsibility that has maintained the Catholic Church during the toughest stage of the crisis caused by the COVID-19,” the Ministry of the Presidency reported in a statement.