There are still pending tasks between government partners.
This see, at least, the minority member of the executive.
Initiated negotiations for the next general budgets of the State, we can specify its requirements to the PSOE, with fiscal reform as a great requirement.

Los dwellings, in addition, intend to enforce point by point the agreement of government agreed with the Socialists.
For this, they will continue to “press” to raise the minimum interprofessional salary (SMI) and approve the regulation of rentals in the future housing law.
Also derogate labor reform, as the second vice president and minister of work, Yolanda Díaz promised.

They are obligations “first order”, says Javier Sánchez Serna, member of the Coordination Council of We Can and Leader of Training in the Region of Murcia.
In an interview with Europe Press this Monday, he has considered “late” delaying fiscal reform until 2023, given that the crisis derived from the pandemic has revealed “the weakness of the welfare system” and it is urgent to reach an agreement for the new
Budget accounts.

The dwelling proposal, in line with the last OECD approaches, goes by raising the 15% societies tax, as it is collected in the Government Pact.

“Can we are in that position of common sense of time and we are going to transfer it in the negotiation of the General Budgets of the State,” said Sánchez Serna, who expects the PSOE to position himself in the same line, despite the fact that until the
DATE THE SOCIALIST WING OF THE GOVERNMENT – Including the President, Pedro Sánchez – has ruled out to address fiscal reform in the short term.

The encouragement in we can do not decline because in other scenarios they have achieved the assignment of their partner.
It is the case of the SMI.
We can claim to upload it up to 60% of the minimum wage – it “essential”, says Sánchez Serna – and, in recent days, the Minister of Economic Affairs, Nadia Calviño, opened the door to upload it by 10% in this legislature.

Of all the demands, regulating the rental prices is the one that the most time of rocals and tensions has caused between government partners.
The negotiation on the future housing law has been stuck for more than half a year by this point of the text.

The arrival of Raquel Sánchez to the Ministry of Transport caused a good impression between the purple ranks, given its favorable posture at its stage as mayor of Gavah.
However, despite the fact that the contact between matches has been resumed to continue negotiating the law, an intermediate point has not yet been reached.

These three are not the only demands of we can, although perhaps the most urgent.
Sánchez Serna has influenced Madrid is a “Tax Paradise for Rich”, so they are still trying to “convince” the PSOE of the need to fight against tax dumping in the capital.

On the other hand, in we can claim for weeks to act to alleviate the increase in receipt of light, something that the representative of the party has qualified as “inaussible”.
The drop in the VAT of 10% electricity “will not be sufficient”, so the training continues to believe in the need to create a public energy company that contributes transparency to the sector.

In addition, from we can have proposed to reduce the eight-hour labor day to improve reconciliation and care.
In this sense, the Minister of Social Rights, Ione Belarra, has been working on the design of a family diversity law that increases maternity and paternity permits until six months and with which to create a universal benefit for upbringing, as well as
A public network of childhood schools to guarantee education in the period of zero to three years.