The Weather Channel plans to “double down” its coverage of climate change, citing increased concerns from its viewers.

Chief content officer Nora Zimmett stated that climate and weather coverage were inextricably linked to the Atlanta Journal–Constitution last Wednesday. It’s the most important topic not only for our generation but for future generations. We are in the front row.

Zimmett stated that while the Atlanta-based Weather Channel had covered climate change on airwaves before, it hadn’t done so on a regular basis. She said that there will now be a “full scale assault” on the subject.

She said, “We will do that now.” The urgency of the issue has only recently been recognized by American sentiment. Our audience didn’t want it to be discussed years ago. They are now much more interested in it.”

According to polling, Generation Z and millennials are more concerned about climate change than their older counterparts.

Zimmett joined The Weather Channel in 2014, after spending two years at CNN. He said that the evidence of climate changes was “overwhelming” and more people were being affected by it, such as the recent heatwave in The Pacific Northwest, or natural disasters.

She stated that coverage will focus on “positive solutions” to climate change for viewers, and said sensationalistic coverage was wrong. She stated that she did not want to “alienate viewers” who were skeptical about the issue. Scientists and Americans are still debating how humans contribute to global warming.