Mark Murphy, Green Bay Packers president, did not mention Aaron Rodgers in the latest Murphy Gets 5 column. He did, and it is a good thing. After his June “complicated fella” comment, it was a wise move.

Murphy cannot win in any scenario regarding the Rodgers saga. He will not say anything that isn’t clear. This is mainly because Rodgers still has very little information about the reasons he is angry with the front office. Murphy’s refusal to speak up is frowned upon.

Murphy answers fan questions every month. Murphy previously addressed the Rodgers issue in a previous installment. He stated that the predicament had divided the fanbase. Murphy also answered the question, saying that the team was committed for Rodgers in 2021.

The drama unfolding in Green Bay has already beaten NFL fans over the head. Murphy made some ill-advised comments and has not made another peep since.

The Packers have chosen to do everything in-house. This organizational approach is more often than not the best. However, if Murphy does not discuss Rodgers at all opportunities, be prepared to have it thoroughly analyzed by the media. reported Monday that Murphy did not mention Rodgers in his monthly column. While the story did include Murphy’s thoughts about Rodgers’ past, the headline “Packers president/CEO Mark Murphy does not mention Aaron Rodgers” is misleading.

It clicks and that’s it.

The NFL’s training camp is just a little over a month away so there is not much to discuss. This is still a classic case of damned, damned, if not. Murphy is not given credit for his part in the relationship between the franchise quarterback and the organization. He could actually be responsible for most of the blame.

It is not realistic to expect Murphy to address Rodgers’ situation at every opportunity.

Rodgers could be in training camp at the beginning of the month or not. He stated that he had used the offseason to concentrate on his mental health, leading up to The Match. This could mean he needs to get away from the media circus and football in order to concentrate on other things.

He will find out in time if he is ready to join his teammates in Green Bay.